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Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide

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Beasts & Barbarians Player\'s Guide
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Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by Roy P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2011 11:51:20

First off let me say I am really not a Conan fan so this purchase was initially made to support a Savage licensee. It took me a couple weeks to actually print the players guide and spend some time reading through it. I was definitely impressed with the background information along with some of the new edges that are available. Whether or not you are a Conan fan I would highly recommend picking this up as a great fantasy setting that you can tailor to fit your needs or just play as is. I look forward to all of the future releases from GRAmel.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by Warren S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/21/2011 20:23:15

I love this!!! Savage Worlds Conan/Brak/Thongor!!!

My only only only complaint deals with the Printer Friendly edition... Leave the art work in place, but keep those ink-eating borders out of the picture.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by Beau C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/27/2011 17:56:56

I've been looking for a good sword and sorcery game to go along with my favorite system of choice, Savage Worlds... and here it is! This is an excellent take on a great genre of fantasy.

I can't wait to run this with my group!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by Thomas B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 09/09/2011 00:39:22

WHAT WORKS: Some great setting rules, as well as Edges and Hindrances, which are always welcome. I'm a very big fan of the After the Adventure chart, but random tables are right up my alley. The Ghoulblood Edge nearly made a character spring to mind almost fully formed. The interior artwork is, by and large, fantastic. Early signs are that support for the setting will be strong, with two free adventures released thus far.

WHAT DOESN'T WORK: Still room for expansion (although that may be a pro, you decide), especially in the bestiary (in my opinion). The setting does nothing to really GRAB me...nothing bad, mind you, just nothing that makes me say "Dread Sea Dominions is THE Swords and Sorcery setting". No Legendary Edges, especially in a genre like this, disappoints me.

CONCLUSION: GRAmel enters the Savage Worlds ring in a big way with a stacked setting book and strong support for the line. They made the best of their page count, providing a lot of material for the price. There are several cool bits that can be lifted for other games if you so choose, and the book heartily embraces flexibilty in your play style within the genre...(I demand a minisupplement of Comedy Edges). Anyone coming into the game with shoutouts to David Jarvis and Sean Preston alongside Shane Hensley probably has their head on straight, and Beasts & Barbarians is a strong addition to the Savage Worlds library. GRAmel should have a bright future in the publishing realm. Strong recommendation.

For my full review, please visit:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by Davide M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2011 13:53:18

Excellent sword & sorcery setting for Savage Worlds, perfect addition to the SW collection. Interesting world, solid rules tweaks and add-ons. Great read, great play. Highly recommended to fans of Robert E. Howard, Fritz Leiber, Karl E. Wagner and sword & sandal/sword & sorcery in general, and to any orphan of the Red Box D&D game. No elves.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by Marcus B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/19/2011 09:24:52

-The looks: Beasts and Barbarians is a 76 pages PDF file. The usual layer options are present and it is fully bookmarked. I have the habit of scanning the table of contents of any new RPG book I buy to get an overview of the contents and to check if there is something that stand out as interesting to me. However there is no table of contents here. The book starts with the introduction to the setting. A quick flip through reveals the table of contents is at the end of the book, after the index on the last few pages. An odd layout choice that I first found weird but got used to. If you read it at the screen it does even matter less.

The books artwork is of varying quality from very good to mediocre, while the good is definitely in the majority. Do not let the cover image fool you! Gramel is working on a replacement. The layout is nothing extraordinary but works well.

-The inner values:

Beasts and Barbarians opens to a short welcome note on the first page, proudly proclaiming some of the features of this setting book: -Thirty new Edges -Three arcane backgrounds -Dozens of new weapons, armors, and mounts -A simple but elegant system to develop your characters between sessions and to manage their wealth. And of course more! On the opposite side is a full-page map of the setting area, the Dread Sea Dominions. The Map is hand drawn and has many little details that already bring the setting to life and evoke several adventure hooks simply by small images of statues or monsters.

After a short introduction to the setting the Book of Lore Chapter begins. These 25 Pages hold everything you need to know about the Setting. At first it explores the history of the area and explains how the dread sea got its name. They also describe how the current countries and borders formed. There is a lot happening and one thing is certain after reading it: The place has a dark, twisted and violent history. The timeline begins with the destruction of an ancient empire, ends with its successors in decline, and covers about 2500 years. It is a detailed timeline and almost too much so for my taste. The next section introduces the inhabitants of the Dread Sea Dominion with a bit more detail. Each of the seven described cultures is unique and none feel superfluous. Every Culture is a more or less fictitious version of an ancient, real world culture. You immediately have a strong visual image and can at least rudimentary imagine how to play a certain culture. See the picture below for the illustrations.

There are two more cultures: The Caleds, wood dwellers with powerful druids, and Pigmies. They are not meant for player characters and are subject of further publications. The descriptions are very interesting, there are no statistics or modifiers for the cultures however. I prefer some modifiers through culture, like favored skills or similar small tweaks that satisfy the number crunchers and differentiates cultures in-game besides roleplaying. Right now race is only a cosmetic choice.

The following part in the Book of Lore chapter describes the overall way of life. It is a short summary of the technology available, the spoken languages, and practiced religions. It is a short section but again enough to give you a good idea of the current life in this world.

After a short text about the dominant climates in the Dread Sea Dominions the gazetteer begins. The descriptions of the various lands are short but evocative. Each ends with a special note. A place, tradition or event from the area, something that adds flavor and works as a plot hook at the same time. This is a very nice touch. The described landscapes are varied and range from the frozen mountains in the north through fertile farmland, savanna, and desert to steaming jungles in the south. There is enough area to explore and to recreate every possible classic Sword and Sorcery adventure. It is easy to inject the areas with a life of your own design too as the descriptions leave a lot of room for a GM to fill with his own ideas.

One thing that is missing from all descriptions is scale and distance. Even the world map has none. The designer explained on the pinnacle Forums that this is on purpose. For one the map is supposedly drawn by an NPC Explorer we will hear more about in future releases. And it allows the GM to scale the world as he needs it for his campaign.

With the gazetteer the background information for the setting is complete and the sections on game mechanics begin. They start off by listing several Heroic Concepts, short descriptions that give you an idea about the kind of heroes that travel the Dread Sea Dominion. They read as you would expect for a Sword & Sorcery setting and contain every major archetype of the genre, no surprises there. Sadly they did not take the SWD approach and did not actually stat up these archetypes . It would have been a great starting point for player characters and NPCs alike.

Character creation follows the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules and there are no new skills in this setting. There are 4 new hindrances however. They all are fitting for the background. Several edges are modified, some rather heavily. For example the Ace edge now includes riding instead of piloting and is split in three separate edges, one for each affected skill. While reading through the edges I realized the writer understated the numbers of new edges in his opening words. There are even more than stated: 33 + 3 Arcane backgrounds, not 30. This sounds like a lot of new edges, but if you break them down into the categories it is much more reasonable: 7 background edges, 7 combat edges, 7 power edges, 9 professional edges and 3 weird edges. As far as I can tell they did not duplicate already existing edges but rather created new and interesting choices.

The background edges fit the setting really well and tie in neatly with the cultures and history. Combat edges give us new abilities fitting for such a barbaric world. The most iconic one is the “Loincloth Hero/Bikini Heroine” Edge. It is an interesting take on the naked warrior problem by giving the character free soak rolls. It sounds a bit too powerful on paper but it is hard to tell without a play test. All power edges are of course linked to the new Arcane Backgrounds. The Gramel designers also created some really interesting professional edges that mesh neatly with the background. Even the weird edges are useful throughout.

The next chapter covers the Magic of the setting. As advertised there are three new arcane backgrounds: Lotusmastery, Sorcery, and Path of Enlightenment.

A Lotusmaster is an alchemist who creates concoctions out of the various deadly lotus plants that bind the specific powers in powders or potions. The art of sorcery is truly dangerous to the user and can leave him permanently scarred. The path of Enlightenment is the only AB that does not have access to any offensive spells. A character with this arcane background does not cast spells in the usual sense but is more of a shaolin monk. His powers are special abilities and extraordinary moves.

For these new backgrounds there are 4 new powers available. Each one is useful in itself and they seem in line with the core powers. All in all the Magic is very Sword and Sorcerish, with a hint of danger or secrecy. I really like their approach to the Lotus master, it is an interesting alchemy variant. There are very stylish example trappings for each AB that are a very good starting point to create your own.

After Magic comes the chapter for the more mundane things : Weapons, Armor, Items, Animals etc. Everything a fledgling adventurer needs to survive this dangerous world. There are weapons and armors for everything you could need. Interestingly they grouped the armor simply into light/medium/heavy without describing specific armors. Not sure I like that as it lacks flavor. That is not an issue with the weapons, the list is full of new and culture specific toys. I like that listing a lot, it is comprehensive without being bloated.

Next up: Setting rules. There aren´t many. But what is there is interesting, like “Savings” and the “After Adventure Events”. The Saving rules basically explain how the characters never have much money as they usually spend or lose it all between adventures. Do not worry if the characters find a huge statue of massive gold. They still wont have enough in a few days time. Tying in with the "Savings" rule is the “After the Adventure Event Table”. A player can draw a card between adventures to find out what their characters where up to. There are good and bad things in it and the result usually leaves the character with a temporary effect, hindrance, or edge for the next adventure. It is a clever addition and can help inspire interim stories and even small plot hooks.

Finally we have reached the Game Master Appendix. This section has some quick tips on how to GM the game and some examples on challenging the players besides combat. It also has information on how to play campaigns with different group sizes and how to tweak the setting to your liking. The most hilarious Combat edge I have read so far is also found here: Barbarian Belch (Combat Edge). It is part of a paragraph about humorous games, the first time I see such a section in a setting book. The tips are helpful but nothing groundbreaking. It is interesting to note how adaptable this setting is.

The GM section also includes a list of 20 Relics for your players to find. Some evil and some powerful and most of them interesting but not necessary harmless. The list is a good start to build your own relics and enough to get your game started. Finally there is a short monster primer. with only 11 Monsters this is not a huge list but a varied one. It gives a great first impression of the dangers the characters will encounter in the future. Together with the SWD there is enough here to start a campaign.

-Conclusion: I like Beats and Barbarians. The history, culture and land descriptions are comprehensive enough, so you can just pick up and play in the Dread Sea Dominion. Most of this setting is immediately familiar and seems almost generic in its nature. The Dread Sea is vague enough so I can project my own ideas into it and does not suffocate me in details. That is the way I prefer my source books. The genericness is one of it`s strength and makes the book a good resource for your own Sword and Sorcery Campaign. But as I stated at several points during my review there are areas where they missed opportunities to make it even more comprehensive.

At the current price of 6,99 USD it is good purchase. Gramel also seems committed to Beasts and Barbarians and stated they aim for regular new releases. There area already two free adventures available to get you started right away. You can find these and other free goodies at their homepage for Beasts and Barbarians. I was hesitant to buy it at first but overall I am glad I did.

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[4 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by Antti L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2011 04:32:03

A Sword & Sorcery setting I didn't know I needed. Bought as a curiosity, this pdf turned out to be perfect match for my view of Sword & Sorcery, and much more. It's a complete package giving you everything you need to play in Dread Sea realms, including multi-layered analysis of the realms, really nifty setting rules, a balanced set of edges and a lot more. It doesn't have adventures, but a lot of seeds plus there's already one free adventure published and another is on it's way.

A pdf definitely worth it's cost. Some readers may have some issues with the pdf file, for example my Nokia phone doesn't show images - I believe it's going to be fixed soon. After updating to the latest acrobat reader version, it works perfectly on my pc.

You can read a full review at

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by Jordan T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2011 16:11:33

For a long time I've been looking to get a solid S&S savage worlds "Conan" feel game going. I've looked at and have LoS as well as putting together my own, pulled from many sources, Savage Conan setting. My problem with LoS is that while it has some nice ideas it doesn't have any real continued support and using actual Hyboria without any "official" SW setting quickly became overwhelming because the world is so rich and deep I become bogged down "Savage'ising" it.

What I want is a Savage Worlds system (mid-level rules) campaign setting with a dark/gritty "Conan" S&S feel with enough ongoing support (lore, races, history, modules/adventures, etc...) but without being totally boxed in or overwhelmed trying to make my own setting for actual Hyboria. It actually gives me a lot more freedom as the GM not being in the actual "Conan" world but I definitely want some help; modules/adventures, bestiary, encounters etc... for the world I am in.

So far Beasts & Barbarians seems to be exactly what I was looking for. With continued support and supplements this will hopefully be a great fit for our groups next campaign, really looking forward to trying it out!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by John V. W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2011 13:36:53

A cool throwback to old school fantasy like Robert E. Howard's Conan stories. I am impressed with the completeness of the setting and the history and lore behind it. Don't knock the cover art. It reminds me of the art in the original D&D books. Keep up the good work Gramel!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by mauro l. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2011 07:11:32

A new amazing barbarian world like the classical ones of S&S books! A good and smart european view on fantasy tradition, with a lot of hints and ideas for vintage adventures and sagas Great care in history, cultures and geography of the dread sea dominions: it is not a "points of light world". It's fantastic but sounds realistic! Good interior art (but really awful cover) Tecnology and history are consistent and truthful and weapons, armors and heroic concepts are always appropriate. And there is the "bikini"! The game system is Savage Worlds and everything works, but I think I can use this handbook also for other games Funny rules for "after the adventure" and for setting the mood of adventures. It'really a good book!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Player's Guide
Publisher: GRAmel
by David T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/29/2011 15:22:32

Upon first look:

+The interior art is great! (Not too hot on the cover) +The world seems really well developed and LOADED with adventure possibilities and really cool PC possibilities & options. +The way Illiteracy is handled is well done. +Damsel in Distress Hindrance looks really fun. -The Loincloth Edges seem overpowered, but we shall see in play. It would be easy enough to drop if needed. +Loads of awesome Edges. Many of the Background and Profession ones really add character. +Wow! Binding Ritual is cool! +Temptress is nicely done too! Really some great tweaks to the SW rules. +Only gave the Arcane Backgrounds/Magic a brief look, but it seems cool, and definitely has a real Sword and Sorcery flavor! +The Item, Armor, and Weapon lists look good. I'm glad to see quality of Items included, and I like the Half-Armor options. The magic of Steel is both weird and cool. If a GM were uncomfortable with it, Steel could always become "Star Metal" or whatever the GM desired really.

  • I wish Henchmen were dealt with like in Slipstream, or at least both the Henchmen options were given. +The After Adventure events are really cool! Probably will see use in my other SW games as well. +I like the Heroic Healing rules and will be adding them to my Pulp games.
  • I wish that there was an "Heroic" Incapacitation table to go with the Heroic Healing, for a more pulpy, less Incapacitation = Dead game. +The "starter" Relic and Monster sections contain enough to get any GM started, and will get your imagination flowing.

Overall I think this setting is very well done and will completely work for the Savage Conan type setting I have been looking for. I was skeptical before purchase, but I am really glad I bought it. I am really impressed how it molds the Savage Worlds system to the setting. Not only can this setting be used as is "out of the box", but it would also work well for a more Saturday morning cartoon setting (with a few tweaks). In fact, I will probably use the ideas contained in the product for several homebrew games. Thanks for adding a great Sword and Sorcery setting to my collection of SW Pulp genres! Can't wait to see whats next!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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