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Inked Adventures Encounter Lairs 2 Templar Chapel $3.25 $2.50
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Inked Adventures Encounter Lairs 2 Templar Chapel
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Inked Adventures Encounter Lairs 2 Templar Chapel
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Alastair M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/15/2013 12:07:01

In style, perhaps the closest match between that of the Inked Adventures' dungeon floorplans and any paper miniatures, is the similarly quirkily hand-drawn "Imperfect People" range by Dryw the Harper (the others of which are available free via the Cardboard Warriors Forum). Here eleven "Templars" and their "Bishop" are provided, all at least slightly different to one another, each with a separate octagonal base styled to match the Inked Adventures' flagstone floors. They're a delightful group, and distinctively non-denominational, very much in-keeping with their Chapel (despite its cruciform plan).

The one-page Chapel itself is an excellent Inked Adventures creation, with enough floor and wall decoration to add interest without seeming too fussy. A font and a lectern - intriguingly both wall-facing, suggestive of somewhat secretive, or at least unusually private, practices - are set in the left and right alcoves, while much of the apsidal end furthest from the entrance, is filled by a large, hooded & robed stone idol, bearing a golden mallet, and NO altar, all good hooks for the imagination to work upon. The broad, angled opening opposite the apse and idol has no doors fitted, nor are there any windows, which makes this Chapel very flexible, whether set-up alone outdoors or underground, as a crypt to another building, or as part of a dungeon complex.

A brief paragraph sketches one possible background to the Order and their Chapel, which, dependent on what definition of "chaos" is preferred, could make this a sanctuary to escape to, or a threat to be eradicated. Either way, wonderful!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures Encounter Lairs 2 Templar Chapel
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by JERRY M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2012 16:29:00

Another great set from Inked Adventures.

Good detail, and a bunch of minis.

However, the minis were a bit lackluster for me, not because of the artwork, but because its one big group of the same guys: holy knights. The undead, creepy cultists, and even te wierd elves from the other sets have a lot of reusability, but I'm not sure how much milage I'll get out of that many holy warriors. It would have been nice to see holy warriors and something else.

Still, worth the price and a lot of great detail!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures Encounter Lairs 2 Templar Chapel
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by David W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/01/2011 14:34:29

There is no such thing as an "Imperfect" dungeon, so this set is JUST the thing for any serous RPGamer.

Once again, the artistic skill of Inked Adventures' BilliamBabble is unrivaled. This beautiful chapel map is so detailed you feel like you are looking into an actual 3D model.

This set is perfect for ANY interior of a chapel, or as part of a larger dungeon.

This is a must-have for anyone that enjoys all of Inked Adventures' quality work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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