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Beasts & Barbarians Heroic Tale #2: The Carnival of Nal Sagath

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Beasts & Barbarians Heroic Tale #2: The Carnival of Nal Sagath
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Beasts & Barbarians Heroic Tale #2: The Carnival of Nal Sagath
Publisher: GRAmel
by Black K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/25/2014 13:43:55

A really quick and fun adventure if you don't have much time to prep and need a filler for a session. It's great for starting off a campaign because you will have time to build characters and finish the adventure in the same evening.

The adventure involves tracking down some degenerate creatures through an underground maze, with random hazards provided by card draws. My players had a good time with it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Heroic Tale #2: The Carnival of Nal Sagath
Publisher: GRAmel
by William J. D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2014 07:46:22

More pulp-barbarian goodness from Gramel and maestro Pignatelli. Good for a savage evening's fun. Can't beat the price either.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Heroic Tale #2: The Carnival of Nal Sagath
Publisher: GRAmel
by Brennan O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/14/2012 06:38:03

This is a fun little adventure and served a great role in introducing B&B to a couple of newcomers. Like the previous review, the unique tracking mechanic was very interesting and provided a fun way of doing a dungeon crawl without the grind of doing a dungeon crawl. It's opened up some new ideas to expand the concept further for me.

If you know the Savage Worlds rules, this adventure can easily be ported to other systems as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beasts & Barbarians Heroic Tale #2: The Carnival of Nal Sagath
Publisher: GRAmel
by Marc G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2011 12:26:49

This a fun adventure with an interesting game mechanic (using cards) for tracking foes through a maze; it's almost a latter-day randomized Death Test (which coming from me is a high compliment).

The prime improvement I would make is to allow the option of turning the background on and off, not just for printing, but also for general readability.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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