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Chronicles of Blood - Custom Armies $1.00
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Chronicles of Blood - Custom Armies
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Chronicles of Blood - Custom Armies
Publisher: Crystal Star Games
by Tim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/10/2011 21:43:26

I think every CoB player has been waiting for this release and here it is. As of 11th July it seems the download file is a Mac "Pages" document rather than the advertised PDF but I was able to get into the file (rename the extension to "zip") and print out the preview.pdf file. The images are a little fuzzy but it's the content that I'm really after here. At first glance seems to cover everything I'll need to convert the rest of my Warmaster units over to CoB.

A great supplement for a great game at a great price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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