DSURPS is a rules light attempt with the stated goal of being simple yet elegant. Average presentation is the first thing to hit you - text is neatly formatted, but with a few hanging sentences and typos, but tables are pretty ugly. The rules get off to a good start with character creation, which is a point buy system with advantages/disadvantages and skills without the need for attributes/characteristics. The included skills cover a nice list of running, fighting, shooting, talking and knowledge skills that should cover all situations.
Unfortunately DSURPS seems to fall apart near the end and my biggest gripe, and it's a biggy, is that I can't seem to find the rules that actually describe the task resolution system. When I attack I roll d20 vs the opponent's (I think, it's not clear) to hit number, but I don't know what this number is or how to determine it. How to I test skills? Not sure.
It's a free product, so a thumbs up to the author for bothering to put it together and making it available to us but I'm not sure I'd pay money for it.