I found this book well thought out in how it was set up. The advice was both well thought up and broken into sections that made sense in terms of how they fit in groups. Not only did it suggest why you might want to be a freelance game designer, it suggested reasons that you might not want to be one as well. I loved the note that pointed out that you will get typos, and other errors, even while writing this review I had to correct at least half a dozen words, and I am sure that there may be other types of errors.
The only thing that I can quibble about is the high requirement of an online website/ blog, as there are a few day jobs that could be adversely affected by having such a website/blog. These are mostly related to the government or healthcare thanks to HIPPA. I don't think any one wants to risk losing a full time job just on the hope that they might get a gig as a freelancer for their hobby.
Overall I found it to be a very good book to buy, to read with the idea of thinking about doing some freelance writing myself.
I picked this up as an interesting add on to the Numenera Game, and found that it had more to offer for the game then the basic idea's for the data sphere and the types of "creatures" that live within it. I find the reminder that the "data gods" are not rational and do not think like a human very pointed, and also very accurate, no matter how "human" they where supposed to be originally, the time that they have operated without "supervision or control". Overall I feel that it is a very well designed book, and nicely written. it is well laid out.
The way it is laid out is nice and logical, so that each of the four chapters covering a clear section of material. The first chapter is of the data gods as well as some notes of their followers and the powers they might show. The second chapter shows changes in the characters foci, descriptors and such to allow for more of a connection to the data sphere. The third chapter shows a nice selection of new "toys" that relate to the data sphere. All divided up as they are in the main book of the game. The last chapter is just two pages of ideas for adventures, just the bare bones sort of speak, but enough with the ease of the Numenera system to easily flesh out even on the fly.
I found this to be a nice set of the stats for the creatures that you can pull from the bags of tricks, all put in one place. On top of that it adds to the basic bags of tricks with a few personalities that can be added to them to spice up the game, and make the bags more then just a quick way to keep a surprise hidden out of sight till the need is there.
The stats save on work for both a player and a game master when they get or choose to use these in a game.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks so much for the review, Benjamin. I'm delighted you enjoyed Bag of Tricks! |
I found this a nice way to have all the stats for the Figurines in one place with the basics covered. It then goes on to detail how the figurines could be changed to give a flavor to them for different time periods, or for places like the cold regions or under water. I have seen a few changed Figurines of Wondrous Power in adventures/ source books over the years but this is the first time that I have seen a comprehensive collection of ideas to change the flavor of the basic magic item without changing its basic power level.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for this review, Benjamin. These are some of my favourite old school items and I'm glad you enjoyed my treatment of them! |
I found this to have a nice punk/ cyberpunk feel to it, showing how the criminal males could be used to support the Lifers fight in the Otherverse World. It details a bit about how they live off the "grid" and are not easy to track for the "law enforcement".
The book also adds details of the life in the enclaves of the lifers, and how some of the things work within it, and how some of them work around the choicer that is not so clean and clear as the main book would like to be clear. It also has notes on some of the side services that are "covert" unless you are in the know.
The creature described in this supplement is quite well detailed. The inclusion of a extra mutation chart and the treasure chart make the Junk-Mobster an extra valuable item as you can always use the treasure table with another creature, or just as a spare chart for a ruin.
The description says how the creatures use their attacks, and gives hints as to how they behave and act in both attack and actions towards their own race and others. It also gives the motives they may have to attack a settlement, and hints to how they might think.
It is a nicely set up treatment of both the use of dogs in war and hunting in history. It also adds, a few nice touches in terms of new types of fantasy breeds of "dogs". I am not a true dog lover so I am not the best to judge how it treats them in relation to the real world, but the fantasy dogs look to fit the races that they are breed and raised by. I feel that the notes that certain ones are not true dogs are very nice as they point out how something can be called one thing and really be something else.
This is a nice source book for the Sorcery and Super Science Game. It has a Lettered and numbered Map on the outer cover as the back page, which is also the front cover as well. inside it is sectioned to areas by geography. It then has some details about the groups that are in these numbers, that are on the map.
This was a nice item for the price. It is well laid out and set up. I normally don't review name generators, but this one is at least a but better then most as it is clear and concise.
I found this game quite well designed and set up. It was well laid out and logically structured in how the book was put together in sections. I do feel that it could have used a few more examples of creatures that had evolved after/ been breed before the cataclysm to show how they thought such things should be built. They did include a few "mutations" that where for creatures only.
The way that they chose to make the Equipment list as simple and generic as possible so that a GM or a Player can be creative and define the gear as they see fit.
The way that they divided up the simple and more complex skill/ combat systems into two separate sections is a very nice touch in my mind. It allows the GM to select the level of complexity/ detail they want, and not have to hunt for all the details they need.
The list of basic NPC templates as they call them gives a GM a head start on creating a set of Villains/ other Characters, all that is needed is to pop in the weapons, armor and incidental gear the template has and they are good to go.
This was a nicely written item I found it to have a nice set of pages set up for quick use. It used a page for each of the various forms that the choose to make the robe take, this allows you to print off a page and hand it to the player or attach it to the NPC that has the robe in question. makes it very easy to keep track of what is on the robe and they pages also provide the stats for any creatures that it may create from it. That also speeds up things later on when the player pulls one out of their hat.
This is a nice piece of art for the computer, and might have another use at times.
This is a very good quick primer for the basics of the HERO system. It is quick and concise, I would find it very useful to hand out to novices and at a convention with pre-generated characters to help explain the rules to them. It has a very nice clean layout and is clear in how it explains what things are relative to other things.
As an example it explains Talents as sort of a Power lite.
As a free item you cant beat the price, and it is great for reducing the things that you have to remember to book mark/ copy for new players.
This is a very nice update of the old style game gamma world as far as I can tell. It is well done and has enough differences from the old gamma world to make it a different game. it has that same simple to play feel to it. I found that the art work is very nicely done and invokes a sense of the creatures or objects that it is supposed to portray. I am not sure that a lot of gamers today would enjoy it with out a sense of its roots in the old school games.
It has nice art work, and was cute to look at. I bout it mostly for the amusement I would get from the art work.