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Darwin's World Savage Worlds: Campaign Guide
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Darwin\'s World Savage Worlds: Campaign Guide
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Darwin's World Savage Worlds: Campaign Guide
Publisher: RPG Objects
by Thomas B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/28/2012 18:08:44

WHAT WORKS: Despite being the Darwin's World Campaign Guide, much of this book can serve any needs you may have for a Post-Apocalyptic Savage Worlds game. The art is very well-placed and well-targeted, providing examples of the various monsters and factions without overwhelming the book.

WHAT DOESN'T WORK: The setting still doesn't really "pop" compared to other PostApoc settings, and the Terminal Abortions may be a bridge too far for some folks.

CONCLUSION: Darwin's World seems like it can handle the basic assumptions of most Post Apocalyptic games for Savage Worlds, and this book only has one chapter that seems geared specifically for Twisted Earth (even then, you can still reskin the stat blocks easily enough). I have no idea if there are any more Darwin's World releases planned for Savage Worlds, but the two books released do a great job of serving as a Post Apocalyptic toolkit.

For my full review, please visit

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darwin's World Savage Worlds: Campaign Guide
Publisher: RPG Objects
by Tyler C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/28/2011 12:09:45

I'm very new to table top gaming, but am finding it very captivating! I've grown up with either a controller or a mouse and keyboard in my hands. Video games, espeically RPG's have always captivated me. From FF1 to Mass Effect, these "roleplaying" games are amazing.

Discovering table top gaming with some friends about a year ago added a new element to my "game" time:) Now, i'm ready to introduce other friends to the table top realm, as a GM.

This book is simply fantastic. I'm a complete novice GM, but the guide has plentiful ideas on Episodes to run for your friends.

As others have said, there is borderline too much info! Just skim through it at first, letting certain topics or elements capture your attention. Note these, and come back to them when you are about to unleash an adventure for your friends!

Great product!

Also, cuz i'm a noob, i thought this was an actual book...was slightly sad it was only a PDF, but that's my bad:)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darwin's World Savage Worlds: Campaign Guide
Publisher: RPG Objects
by NB N. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 05/18/2011 20:13:44

I feel like I say this a lot, but this book surprised me. Maybe I should have higher expectations or maybe I’m easily surprised. Either way, Darwin’s World is something any Savage World’s fan should have. Let me boil the book down into a single word . . . options. This book features your customary and comprehensive background on the world. What has happened to cause this apocalypse, what is life like, who might your run into, what are the dangers, etc. Obviously they leave a lot of room for you to make the world your own.

Then they hit you with pages upon pages of types of hazards (radiation, waste, sickness, hunger, weather, and on and on), towns (including maps, possible story hooks, people, places, etc.), factions (raiders, lawmen, mutants, ghouls, OH THE HUMANITY), creatures (animals, horribly disfigured things, hybrid mutants you don’t want to know how they were created in the first place), robots (Are you still reading these examples? Isn’t it awesome enough as it is? A whole chapter on robots?), and last but definitely not least equipment (weapons, armor, cars, tools, survival gear). This book has so many details on things you might find, run into, fight, steal, run away from, get killed by, or just marvel at, that if you don’t immediately have an idea for a post-apocalyptic campaign, then you may suffer from severe imagination impairment. Go to the doctor before it’s too late.

After reading this, I absolutely want to run some crazy wasteland adventures. Savage Worlds is so easy that anyone can jump in. Oh, you need a Savage Worlds Explorer’s Handbook to run this. Just in case there needs to be a disclaimer.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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