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Chronicles of Arax - High Elf $1.00
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Chronicles of Arax - High Elf
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Chronicles of Arax - High Elf
Publisher: Crystal Star Games
by John M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/06/2011 19:26:48

This is an adventurer for the Chronicles of Arax solo game. All the adventurers follow the same format as the Hero adventurer that comes with the basic game. They all come with a short background that explains the character, how many dice for each of the attributes, and any special abilities. They are worth picking up to add variety, but priced at $1, the same as the quests, actually make them a bit high priced. Would have given 4 stars if they were .50 each. You could easily come up with similar adventurers on your own for free. The second non-human.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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