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Wargames: Sovi-Ape (ICONS) $1.00
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Wargames: Sovi-Ape (ICONS)
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Wargames: Sovi-Ape (ICONS)
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/23/2012 18:26:47

This villain’s origin and backstory are interesting, and author Mike Lafferty provides four fun adventure ideas using him. The writeup includes not only the simian mastermind himself, but also two types of henchmen that can serve as models for others. Sadly, this product seems not to have been proofread/copy-edited at all—or at least not successfully. The most glaring problem, standing head and shoulders above the many punctuation errors, is the product’s indecision about whether the villain’s name is spelled “Sovi-ape” (cover, pp. 2–9) or “Sovie-ape” (p. 1).

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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