DCS shows some promise, and at least has a decent system, but it shows a lack of depth. For one, there's a lot of stuff that's way too terse, and there's also some stuff that's not terse at all.
Having absolutely no art except the cover in the whole thirty pages wouldn't bother me so much if the typesetting were different, but it feels almost "military typewriter"esque while using plain Times New Roman font, which isn't too hard for reading, but does sorta underwhelm. There's a lot of stuff that's left hanging.
My advice to the authors would be to go back through this and revise it, putting in some typesetting, a stock photo page background (or even just modifying the text and using a program like Scribus and putting a .svg with a neutral background design made in Inkscape, which would be free and simple) put in there.
Ultimately, I like the idea that I feel this was trying to convey, but I feel that it failed to convey it well, and there are too many ambiguities. I recognize that an all-genre system presents some challenges, but there is too much ambiguity when it comes to these (lowest denomination of coins means a lot potentially - pennies don't go far).
All in all, it gets a three for having the ideas of a product with great potential carried out halfway.