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Wargames: Majestic12 (ICONS) $1.00
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Wargames: Majestic12 (ICONS)
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Wargames: Majestic12 (ICONS)
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/23/2012 18:26:35

Majestic-12 is a great twist on the “man in black.” He’s a great fit for the Wargames Cold War setting, but author Mike Lafferty also includes tips for transposing him into a more contemporary setting. As a bonus, the writeup mentions that Majestic-12 has two customary form of dress; the cover shows one, and the “character sheet” shows the other one. The product includes three fun adventure hooks that involve Majestic-12. Despite these strengths, the text needs some additional copy-editing to eliminate grammatical errors. Most importantly, somebody needs to decide whether the character’s name has a hyphen (cover, p. 1, header), a space (p. 2), or nothing (p. 3) between “Majestic” and “12.” That kind of sloppiness gives an otherwise fun product a black eye.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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