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Wargames: Supreme Commissar (ICONS) $1.99
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Wargames: Supreme Commissar (ICONS)
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Wargames: Supreme Commissar (ICONS)
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/23/2012 18:27:01

Supreme Commissar is a great villain for the Wargames setting; unlike some of the other villains in the series, he’d be hard to move to a different time period without major reworking of his backstory. In addition to a long narrative about Supreme Commissar’s history and psychology, and of course his stats, this supplement also provides stats for a typical Red Directorate agent and the Red Directorate’s helicarrier, obviously inspired by S.H.I.E.L.D.’s helicarrier. It’s a good thing the Red Directorate helicarrier has a cloaking device, because it’s painted cherry red; unfortunately, the writers can’t seem to decide whether to hyphenate “heli-carrier” (pp. 9, 12) or not (p. 7). Stats are also provided for a military jet fighter and helicopter; the artwork for these two is a completely different style from the rest (either photographs or 3D rendered models). Three long and fairly detailed adventure hooks round out the product. Better attention to proofreading (to eliminate the inconsistencies, mismatched/misplaced punctuation, and other such problems) could have raised the rating by one star.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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