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Sly Flourish's Dungeon Master Tips $2.29
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Sly Flourish\'s Dungeon Master Tips
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Sly Flourish's Dungeon Master Tips
Publisher: SlyFlourish
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2013 12:16:34

This is a good read for DMs who are looking to get the most out of their sessions. Yes, a lot of it is common sense, but hey, we've all been a part of games where common sense wasn't so common. This booklet does well to give you some practical tips that you won't find in the authorized guides, so, there is value there. If you're a DM, you'll find in these pages something that will improve your game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sly Flourish's Dungeon Master Tips
Publisher: SlyFlourish
by NB N. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 05/19/2011 20:06:05

Sly Flourish DM Tips is a good framework for new DMs. The advice offered is practical and based on a significant amount of experience running games. As a matter of fact, if you haven’t run a campaign before and plan on starting one, you could save yourself a lot of headaches by reading this. For the experienced DM, there are some tips in there that remind you to keep things fresh and beef up your game a bit.

The book basically includes sections on how to plan your game, make an interesting story, keep players engaged, make encounters interesting, and using props and extras to enhance your game. I fell into a lot of the pitfalls that this supplement warns against and feel I learned them the hard way. For that reason, I see the value in this book. The negative is the book really should be two-column or compacted more. It just feels like a college essay over a game supplement. That’s a small issue though and has nothing to do with content.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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