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Forgotten Ruins $6.45
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Forgotten Ruins
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Forgotten Ruins
Publisher: Lord Zsezse Works
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/25/2012 00:08:48

This nice-looking 3D model requires a good bit of precise cutting and lot of patience to assemble well. The artwork is very nice, but the walls, columns, and so on are unrealistically thin—the thickness of two sheets of cardstock. This affects both the verisimilitude and the sturdiness of the model. It’s not a bad piece, but there are better ruins models out there, especially given the relatively high price.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Forgotten Ruins
Publisher: Lord Zsezse Works
by Jerry J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/22/2011 09:23:50

I like this ruin kit as it works well in a lot of gaming adventures. The detail looks great! The pieces fit better together than I was expecting, which was nice. All in all the model went together with little difficulty. That said, here are a few suggestions that would have improved this kit - replace the pillars with the ones from the Desert Ruin model to give a more realistic feel. Also add stairs, a ladder or something to get to the top level. Speaking of the levels, I cut out the top and bottom pieces separatey and spray glued them to foam core to give better support, especially when using pewter miniatures vs. plastic ones. Finally, have more options for plants. While the one is great you have to print out an entire sheet to get more. Different types of plants and ground layer options would have been very useful. Overall I would recommend this model.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Forgotten Ruins
Publisher: Lord Zsezse Works
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2011 20:59:12

This looks good and I really could use it a lot in my games.

However, I am currently trying to put it together and am working on the stairs. The assembly instructions do not clearly show how to put the stairs together. I cannot figure out, yet, how to do that. I got to the 5th picture which says, "glue 2 sides together" but it isn't clear exactly which 2 sides it means and in what way you are to glue them together

I looked around Google to find Lord Zsezse's web site to ask for help but couldn't find one. It appears as if the only way I'm going to get this together is by trial and error--and I am only in the begining and have a lot more to do.

Very frustrating.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hello Richard! Thank you for your review! We updated the assembly instructions for the Forgotten ruins! We hope the assembly is easier now. If you have any problems or ideas, send them to us by click the "contact publisher" link on the right side.
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