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Greyhawk Player's Guide (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Brian S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2013 11:20:04

A must have if you want to play in the Greyhawk setting. BUT this scan SUCKS. Save yourself four bucks and download it somewhere free. THE DOWNLOAD SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Greyhawk Player's Guide (2e)
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Interludes: A Brief Expedition to Bluffside for C&C
Publisher: Samurai Sheepdog
by Brian S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/07/2013 12:35:43

“Interludes: Brief Expeditions to Bluffside” is a module (do they still use that term anymore?) for use with the Castles and Crusades RPG. For second level characters, the module is more of a launching pad for The Bluffside Campaign Setting. It sells for a meager $5.00 and has a print option. Taking place in a small town outside of Bluffside called Kirkwood, Interludes serves as a Sandbox setting giving the Castle Keeper just enough to work with if they are not prepared with a plot line. Content wise, this module shines in the npc descriptions, giving you many different story lines that the Castle Keeper can run with. I also liked the idea of the prisoner pits. Presentation is a mixed bag here. Coming from a fine arts background I believe presentation is half the piece. The cover does nothing to make me want to even look in the pdf which is a shame since there was a lot of useful stuff in it. The interior art was sparse but decent and illustrated what was actually in the book, instead of being included because it might have looked cool. The new monster in the back was not illustrated which was a bummer. The type layout was clear and very readable. Also a plus in presentation are character handouts of letters and correspondents. Personally I believe that I will most certainly use many of the npc’s in the book if nothing else.
One thing that had me stumped was the new character class in the back. In my opinion it made me think that the person who wrote it up didn’t have a clear idea of the classes in the main rule book. The Sisters of Mercy should in my opinion, be a cleric denomination but certainly not it’s own class. In the end the class left me confused, thinking that it was put there as filler. In the end, I feel that it’s not a bad deal at Five Dollars. I do not think I would get the print version, but as a pdf it does great.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Interludes: A Brief Expedition to Bluffside for C&C
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Changeling the Dreaming 2nd Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Brian S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/19/2013 08:42:18

why is this $25.00 for the pdf when other games of it's time are less?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Changeling the Dreaming 2nd Edition
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Victorian Lost
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Brian S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/07/2012 08:25:15

A Bad Trend

Right off the bat , I have to say the book is too short. This is becoming a bad trend for White Wolf. A while back they made the mistake of making the V20 Companion only 80 pages and now they have done so here with a book that is 87 pages. Now to be fair, the other books in this line , like Mage Noir are of similar page count, but two wrongs do not make a right. That book should have been longer too. So what happens is but making them so few pages, you are really not getting the product out that you want to, and the players need/ want. Case in point, The new Kiths. While fitting very well in the setting, they are neither very imaginative nor special. They are good kiths, but fall flat. The problem with all that is they are the only Kiths in the book . It would have been nice if EVERY seeming had a new kith. Oh by the way, saying something like “these kiths fell out of favor with the gentry later on” makes no sense. Why not just say “ in modern times these Kiths are rarely seen” or something to that manner. The same can be said with all of the crunch in the book(including the goblin contracts, Entitlements etc). And where the book shines, it again only shines a little. In the second part of the book are the settings and storylines to play at the table. Again WAY too short . Again , this product follows the footsteps of the V20 Companion Book . What’s there is nice, but not enough. This all confuses me. The price is right, but the page count is not . I would rather had paid 10, 12, 15 dollars for a larger book then getting the small one we received for $8.99 (15 for book) .

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Victorian Lost
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Tome of Secrets
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Brian S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/16/2009 21:54:32

I REALLY like this book but there are problems with it. Many of the basics do not follow Pathfinder guides. For instance, Warlocks have dead levels. It's a shame that these things pop up because otherwise it's good book, but in the end not great as it could have been.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Tome of Secrets
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Creator Reply:
The PDF has been updated to correct various errata -- for example, the Artificer's BAB and Swashbuckler's BAB have been reduced, and now match that of a Bard/Cleric. If you're a previous purchaser of this product, you can download the revised PDF from your account. Gareth-Michael Skarka Adamant Entertainment
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