A Bad Trend
Right off the bat , I have to say the book is too short. This is becoming a bad trend for White Wolf. A while back they made the mistake of making the V20 Companion only 80 pages and now they have done so here with a book that is 87 pages. Now to be fair, the other books in this line , like Mage Noir are of similar page count, but two wrongs do not make a right. That book should have been longer too.
So what happens is but making them so few pages, you are really not getting the product out that you want to, and the players need/ want.
Case in point, The new Kiths. While fitting very well in the setting, they are neither very imaginative nor special. They are good kiths, but fall flat. The problem with all that is they are the only Kiths in the book . It would have been nice if EVERY seeming had a new kith. Oh by the way, saying something like “these kiths fell out of favor with the gentry later on” makes no sense. Why not just say “ in modern times these Kiths are rarely seen” or something to that manner. The same can be said with all of the crunch in the book(including the goblin contracts, Entitlements etc).
And where the book shines, it again only shines a little. In the second part of the book are the settings and storylines to play at the table. Again WAY too short .
Again , this product follows the footsteps of the V20 Companion Book . What’s there is nice, but not enough.
This all confuses me. The price is right, but the page count is not . I would rather had paid 10, 12, 15 dollars for a larger book then getting the small one we received for $8.99 (15 for book) .