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Nobilis: The Essentials, Volume 1
Publisher: Jenna Katerin Moran
by Kier R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2011 17:12:04

Ok I'm really sorry but this entire game is really poorly put together, there are some good bits and some interesting ideas but then it's followed by a mix of really bad anime stereotypes confused setting background that wasn't fully explained it was more like something you would find for free online rather than a professional RPG that you have to spend quite a bit of money on. Really don't shove a mix of random anime and manga ideas together and hope it makes a good RPG but if you do at least try to make it understandable every bit of character creation is so convoluted and mixed up I still don't know even after making a character and trying to play the game if I've done it right. Finally really its a talk based RPG I'm sorry but you shouldn't have to pay money for this trust me if you and your friends are into RPG's and have any imagination just make up a game based on the description it will be far better and less confusing than this.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Nobilis: The Essentials, Volume 1
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