Enjoyed this issue too--enough where I would love to continue reading. I think the world being set up is a really good alternate to either DC or Marvel--well done.
Enjoyed this! A great start to a team book. I especially liked the text that explained everything. I thought it read really well with great art to go along.
I loved this. This is what a comic should be. I had to do a doubletake, thinking Mark Waid or Warren Ellis or Peter David wrote it. The story is great. Instant understanding of what's going on, character development and caring for the characters pretty darn quickly. Every one else out there who tries to publish independently--this is the exact thing to do with a free preview issue. I will now buy the others. Admittedly, the art isn't the strongest but it is adequate for its needs and the story more than makes up for it. Fantastic job--and I am a very harsh critic.
I like this art style. I like Sienkiewicz and Ashley Wood and Dave McKean. This is cool. Problem is that a digital version of the file does it no justice. The preview of Gator Butch shows how the art can definitely improve an otherwise bland storyline with atmosphere.
This would make a much better comic than it would as a novel. This is just a preview with some pics, but that even makes more sense to go as a comic than as a novel. This just isn't my cup of tea--I think you would really have to be into Anita Blake or True Blood or series like that to get into this at all.
Beautiful and absolutely fascinating. Maybe it is my predilection for this kind of dystopian fiction but the world set up is mesmerizing. The artwork is of the highest caliber. Where's the link to buy a full copy--however, I want this book in print, it is that beautiful.
I love the artwork completely but now I need a story to go with it. This art could be used well if a good writer came along. These silent stories are all right, almost like art poems, as it were. I will definitely be keeping up with this artist.
Very interesting artwork. There is a good start to a story here. However, it just seems another zombie story. Our hot zombie heroine comes out of nowhere to a remote location--I am hoping that the dude she rescued is needed for something but heck if I know what. I just can't see where this is going other than a simple zombie story.
Extremely cool and intriguing. Great artwork. I do wish for a few more text boxes explaining exactly what the heck is going on but other than that a good start. I would definitely get subsequent issues if cheap enough.
I admit I really enjoyed this. I am not a big fan of the art style, but don't let that stop you. The new spin on Peter Pan is pretty nifty. If this is ever collected into a trade I might buy it.
This is for those that love those avant garde pieces of art that simply exist. It's interesting for a one-time read-through but I did not really find the art as "visually entrancing" as some of the other reviews say.
Really enjoyable. Great art. The reader definitely wants more. This is one of those fun superhero comics that comics grew up with. A little juvenile in that regard, but that's what most of us love the superhero genre for.
Just a pre-production book, a making-of. You'd think they'd at least have the story with it. Not worth downloading unless you like "how to make comics" books.
Doesn't get any better. The action sequences are suitable and could get better over time. At least the author is trying to learn about comics.
I am happy that the author is learning about the comics field, but this is just a first attempt and only a cursory knowledge of the comic superhero genre. His mom gives him the uniform of a dead brother and basically tells him to go beat up a ninja clan.