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Worlds in Peril
Publisher: Samjoko Publishing
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/27/2015 07:25:54

I own several supers games and I am happy to add this one to that list.

The art is well done and reminds me of several comics from the seventies and eighties.

Apocalypse Engine Games are becoming more common and this is definitely an excellent adaptation and iteration of that system. The incorporation of the Bonds mechanic adds a lot to this game and emulates social conflict in the comics genre quite well. Using bonds as in game currency integrates the "Choices have Consequences" and "With great power..." concepts seamlessly.

The Basic Playbooks, Special Playbooks, and Villian/Threat creation section seem to cover a very wide range of character and setting elements.

I look forward to a more in depth reading of this one, and using it to build nasty, nasty villains to threaten the very world..

You get the idea.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Worlds in Peril
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Eagle Eyes • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/19/2015 16:37:21

Having given this a once over I am impressed by the art style, organization of the book, and writing. The concept is interesting, the level of detail gives a good foundation for a longer campaign but retains flexibility for a quick pickup game.

FAE is actually my preferred version of FATE and I really like the way the designer integrated Aspects and Approaches into the bones of the setting. I like that the author leaves it to the group using Eagle Eyes to determine the time period, and level of historical accuracy. This book seems to do justice to both the setting, and the genre that the author chose.

Just reading it has me thinking of myriad ways to use the information and how much fun it will be.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Eagle Eyes • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
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ETU: East Texas University
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2014 19:28:33

Well howdy, this is another hit (with a raise) for Pinnacle Entertainment. I've been interested in this setting for about seven years, and have enjoyed everything I've read for it. Now I will have a home for some of the ideas that is excellent setting inspires. The document is well laid out, and the art works well with the mood of the material. The generators included, Organization names, Adventure, and Demonic traits, look like they will inspire countless stories set in and around Pinebox, the hometown for ETU (Go Ravens!!!). I have friends, and family that are, or have lived in eastern Texas, and now I can throw all the fun of a rampaging Big Foot, or Drunk Sorority girl at them...which sometimes could be one and the same...

The book includes the basic character creation information, and updates some of the Savage Worlds edges and hindrances, while adding a few that are tailored to the books setting. It's really an easy read, and incorporates some of the ideas from other Savage World books that seem to dovetail with the setting quite well. I am a huge Savage Worlds fan, but even if you wanted to use another system (but, really, why would you?) it would be simple enough to convert and the setting will hold up.

All and all, I think it's really good, I would have liked it to be longer, but I'm sure there will be lots more offerings that will flesh out the setting in the future.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
ETU: East Texas University
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Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/16/2014 07:53:36

I started playing rpgs in 1981 and became a serious gamer in 1984. Since then I have played a wide variety of games and their various editions and expansions. There have been many of them that are spectacular, and many that failed to hit the mark.

Numenera hits that sweet spot where the game has depth and mechanical stability, but is smooth and transparent allowing a group to lose themselves in the narrative. I haven’t played a lot of D20 based games since the advent of the OGL and its iterations. Frankly the rules were simply too cumbersome and I turned to other systems. But with Numenera I find myself remembering the joy of playing some of those old games. It is a game that includes arcane knowledge, strange races that may be of alien origin, lost and misunderstood technology, mutated races and odd creatures that are both organic and inorganic in origin. All of this reminds me of battles fought, won, and lost in the blasted remnants of every post-apocalyptic game and story I have ever read.

The tradecraft is superb, the art so evocative the books almost don’t need text. The thing you should know is that I haven’t read ANY of the setting material, just the system pertinent sections, and the gm and story design chapters. I am tempted to read the rest, I have skimmed a bit here and there, but I can’t give in to it. I am sure it is so good that without knowing it I would be side tracked from my goals.

I have my own projects to work, my own worlds to build and this system speaks to the work I have brought forward with me since I was a teenager. This is the system that I could have used to tell all my stories throughout all my years behind the screen.

And one day, when it won’t color or derail the projects I have in mind, I know I will.

Well done and thank you for all your work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Publisher: Burning Wheel
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/21/2014 16:34:43

I am a fan of all the products by this design team from Burning Wheel, through Torchbearer.

In Torchbearer I see all the familiar elements from the earlier games, and the mindset is very evocative of games I played in the late 70's and early 80's. The layout of the book, and chapter designations made it easy to read and I liked the choices in art style. The variation in the random charts design was excellent and made it feel like you were using the older game's books, without having to use anything other than a D6. The dice notation shorthand is smooth and keeps the math manageable so that you can focus on in game action without breaking character. I know the motif was emulating the more basic versions of its inspiration, I hope to see more supplements to expand on the options available as characters progress.

Reading this book made me want to pull out all my old campaign notebooks and run everything I wrote in the 80's and 90's all over again.

Excellent and well worth the price point...

David W Henley

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2014 17:07:07

I am a huge fan of this book, it does a great job of kindling the creative fires and leaving room for a Castle Keeper to build his own campaign with the tools it provides. With each iteration the layout of the book improves and makes it easier to use at the table. It reminds me of the olden days when my friends and I would sit around the kitchen table and spin yarns off the top of our heads using randomly generated maps. This book captures the feel of the older editions of the first fantasy rpg, but addresses some of the faults in its design.

Thanks Troll Lords keep the good work coming.

David Henley

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide
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50 Fathoms Explorer's Edition
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2013 17:47:17

This was the first setting that introduced me to Savage Worlds. I love the blend of historical elements and pure fantasy mix that with pirates and sea monsters, what' not to love. I can't flip through the book with my imagination running wild and dozens of adventure seeds springing to life.

This one of my favorites.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
50 Fathoms Explorer's Edition
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Rocket Age - Core Rulebook
Publisher: Why Not Games
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2013 17:42:23

I am a huge fan of this product, and Cubicle 7 in general. When I was growing up I read Carson of Venus, and the Barsoom series wishing that I had a way to live out the adventures in those books. Now, I do...

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Rocket Age  - Core Rulebook
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Wendigo Tales: Weird Wars: Without Fear
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2013 13:06:41

I have been a fan of Shane Hensley since the late 90's and have always enjoyed his work. This latest story is action packed, and evocative of the harsh environment in which it's set. The story arc is short, but completes well while leaving room for more adventures by Magnus Bos.

Well Done.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Wendigo Tales: Weird Wars: Without Fear
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