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Magic: The Gathering #1
Publisher: IDW Publishing
by Synthean N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/27/2018 19:24:13

I had no experience with the game,"Magic: The Gathering," but the artwork in the comic captured my attention with books #3 and #4 of the "Path of Vengeance" series. Moreover, I found the writing to be humerous and intelligent enough to compete with the impressive art. The combination has made this my favorite offering at DriveThru Comics.

Just as in those episodes, the characterization, action and evocation of place in "Magic: The Gathering #1" are impressive - especially in view of the many different worlds spanned by the plot. The fantasy cityscapes of Ravnica would be a difficult challenge for any artist, and here are brought to life. Now, I have to read every other issue.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Magic: The Gathering #1
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Madame Mirage #1
Publisher: Top Cow
by Synthean N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/20/2014 01:54:53

I “read” comics for the artwork; but I feel that what is most lacking in popular entertainment is good writing. Because the themes of melodrama are ageless; a good story needs to surprise us with a creative re-telling of the familiar. I enjoy the topical premise of “Madam Mirage” #1: when they outlaw megatech, only criminals will have megatech. M. Mirage uses a pistol to battle supervillains. The NRA would approve.

Dini's dime-novel dialogue gives the title character a retro persona to match her wardrobe. The old avenger-vs.-crime-syndicate genre could do worse than to borrow from film noire.

Still, it’s the action and design of Rocafort's artwork that holds my attention. I’m not a critic, at heart, so suffice it to say that I'd rather be reading the next issue of “Madame Mirage” than writing this review. So, I'll cut it short.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Madame Mirage #1
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