I “read” comics for the artwork; but I feel that what is most lacking in popular entertainment is good writing. Because the themes of melodrama are ageless; a good story needs to surprise us with a creative re-telling of the familiar. I enjoy the topical premise of “Madam Mirage” #1: when they outlaw megatech, only criminals will have megatech. M. Mirage uses a pistol to battle supervillains. The NRA would approve.
Dini's dime-novel dialogue gives the title character a retro persona to match her wardrobe. The old avenger-vs.-crime-syndicate genre could do worse than to borrow from film noire.
Still, it’s the action and design of Rocafort's artwork that holds my attention. I’m not a critic, at heart, so suffice it to say that I'd rather be reading the next issue of “Madame Mirage” than writing this review. So, I'll cut it short.