Out of 83 pages, 78 are the content. That includes 2 pages for the OGL, and 4 pages for the index.
The first 2 pages are labelled A and B.
There are 2 blank pages: P2 (4 on PDF reader), and P81 (83 on PDF reader).
It introduces extra races/species, class options, Equipment and spells.
Races/species: Cambion (infernal ancestry), Drow, Goblin (basically, Goblin Bodgers from Iron Kingdoms), Nephilim (angelic ancestry), Starborn (little grey men), and Wildfolk (bestial human hybrid).
P26 (p28) has Encounter, which explains Ambshes, Engergy Drain, and Two Weapon Fighting.
Equipment: familiar stuff (Sun rod, Thunderstone, etc).
Artwork: Some is good, others are ok.
Definitely worth adding to your Basic Fantasy collection.
And best of all, it's FREE!