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Adventure Havens: Temples $2.99 $0.99
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Adventure Havens:  Temples
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Adventure Havens: Temples
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Singh K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2015 17:52:02

This product details story telling information for a slew of temples, but not a single map/floor plan of a single temple. Normally, that would deserve a rating of 1, however, the beginning of the document goes into some of the things which make clerics and priests unique and colorful, things which are an asset to any GM's campaign if his clerics have become nothing more than the healing adjunct of an adventuring party.

Maps are fundamental to a product which claims to be about locations, as this one does. There are no maps.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
I regret that you did not enjoy the product. I would like to point out the the Adventure Havens series has never been about maps, nor has it ever been marketed as such. We have always marketed the series based on the NPCs and story ideas as a way to help GMs flesh out their worlds on the fly. They are GM tools to save work having to flesh out every single NPC and location history in a game for those times when the players go off the main story. That is why we list these products under Supplements>NPCs and not Maps. I regret the confusion. If you came across this product under a search for maps, please let me know so that I can address that with the folks at Drivethru. We never categorized it that way.
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