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This is the third time I have sat down to review this product, but each time I have tried it has been so difficult that I have been logged off before I could complete the job. This is not a bad kit. It has a great price and fills a niche that no one else has seen fit to even try. The directions are really terrible, however. They do not provide any explanatory notes and the illustrations do not match the model. In the first step, the three subassemblies of the hull are shown as complete geometric solids. The kit would have been much better if the forward radome had been made as a single geometric solid instead of a flimsy fairing over a complicated, tight nosepiece on the cockpit with several small glue tabs. The glue tabs on several parts are drawn with a light gray ink that is almost invisible. The score lines are so dark that they are hard to make out against the stealth camouflage skin and some are not even marked at all. The boom could have been simplified by breking it into three parts and it would have been nice if the glue tabs had been clearer. Plan on printing it once to build just see where the bugs are. Plan on printing it again to work the kinks out. I figure the third time around...we shall see. The model has lots of promise. The flight stand is a nice touch, too. Count on making a lot of
This is the first set in the Retro Space line of figures. It was one of David Okum's early figure sets, so it offers only four color layers and no bonus figures. Even so, you get twelve great retro-science fiction figures in skin-tight spacesuits armed to the teeth with ray guns and equipped with rocket packs. There are four color layers, so you can make them out to be from four different divisions of one Space Patrol or from four different Space Patrol organizations alltogether. More color choices would have been nice, as would have been the ability to turn off the text or remove the Patrol-Person's helmets. This is still 48 fantastic retro-sci-fi figures in dynamic poses for $2.45 and that's a deal you can't beat with a cyber-stick.
All the figures are human, or human-looking, and are decked out in a nearly skin-tight space suit complete with a transparent, bubble helmet, a ray gun of some type, and a rocket pack. Their spacesuit features two yellow circlets mounted on their shoulders similar to those seen on many seen in many old comic book and sci-fi magazines long ago. The patrolpersons are equipped with knee-high boots, a gun belt, a holster on their left hip, gloves, and straps on their rocket pack that come over their shoulders. These are all yellow and don't change color. Their uniforms cover their bodies from boots to gloves to helmet and they have a cap inside their helmet, too, that is similar to the sort that astronauts in the 60's and early 70's wore inside their helmets. All of these items may be in one of four colors as the owner desires. The choices are magenta, cyan, red, and green. The colors are all on the bright side to make the uniforms look shinier, I suppose. They are rather smart looking. Most of the characters are armed with rather large looking ray pistols that are blue-gray and red. Only one has his weapon holstered. The rest have their weapons out and look ready for action. There is one character armed with a smaller looking ray pistol, one armed with a beam rifle, and one armed with a shoulder-fired heavy energy weapon.
The figures definitely capture the Buck Rogers/Flash Gorden or Tom Corbett: Space Cadet feel, but they are in David Okum's unique cartoon/anime-influenced style. The poses are very dynamic and lend a sense of excitement to gameplay. These figures aren't really meant to portray player characters, but they could. They are meant to portray a set of galactic good guys, or space police force. How you use them is up to you. If your campaign is based on the players being part of such an organization, well these are perfect. If not, these are perfect for the guys that come to the rescue when the players need it, pull a cargo inspection when they don't need it, and defend the galaxy the rest of the time. This is a good set to have.
This is an excellent introduction to David Okum's unique art style and excellent figure line. This was the first set that I downloaded and I will admit the first thing that attracted me was the price. Then I saw the figures, and that cinched the deal! I've been an OkumArts customer ever since. The player character figures in this set are great and the layer options allow you to use each as two different characters, so you are getting ten, not five, player character type figures. The same is true of the monster figures. The monsters are: a hobgoblin, a rather muscular gnoll, a heavily amored pig-faced orc, a goblin, and an awesome bugbear. I use all of them frequently but the goblin. I only use him as a special encounter for one of a few special goblin npc characters I have.
Now, don't worry if you don't play Darkfast Dungeons. I don't, not that it isn't a good game, but I still have most of my old first edition Ad&D books and a slew of 2nd edition books, and you know what they say about old dogs and new tricks and all that. I mostly game with old friends and family members and along the way, I've taught some younger players my homebrew that is mostly 1st edition with a few bits of second thrown in and some house rules that are mostly from Dragon magazine and a measure of common sense. I've bought a lot of the Darkfast figure sets and most of them work quite well with almost any fantasy role playing game. I find the anime-like art style refreshing.
Admittedly, the anime-like style isn't for everyone. That is why I recommend this as the first set you download to check out David Okum's fantasy figure sets.
Why wasn't this done with layers? It really didn't need to take up so much space. Why did you use that inefficient framing system with no guidelines? It just left me trying to eyeball an approximate fit for the frame of the walls and struts on the floor pieace when a few straight lines put there by you could have given me something to line it up by? I've built real houses that were easier to line up straight than this thing was. Your models are bright, colorful, and relatively easy to cut out, but your directions are vague and the phtos are not very instructive. A few simple lines on the floor plate showing where to lay the braces really would have helped.
I recently dusted this off and built one of these again and I am glad I did. I remember when I first got the model. It was one of the first kits I bought and I really got excited. I was running an AD&D campaign with a caravan, so I printed three of these out right away. That was a mistake. I had built paper models before, but nothing as complicated as this kit. The directions were not as clear as they could be, as far as a beginner was concerned, and things did not go well. I ended up completing only two of the models, and neither of them were exactly what I had pictured going into the project. Some months later when I had more experience I went back and built a wagon following the directions and understood them clearly, but that was only after having gotten more experience. Building the kit now after not having seen it for a couple of years, I recognized a few of the areas where the directions were a bit, "ahem", less than clear, but still had no trouble assembling a beautiful, sturdy, and complete wagon as nice on my shelf as it is on the game table. This is a good kit, but I recommend it for experienced modelers. Beginners attempting the kit should build it slowly and opt for simpler builds without sides at first. Do a couple of squre canvas tops before trying the rounded one. You'll be glad you did.
This is an easy build with good reinforcement that makes it a sturdy model that will see a lot of gameplay. The hard part will be choosing which skin elements to use. There are a wide variety of them and they combine in so many beautiful ways there is very little chance of finding one favorite look among them. You're going to end up building more than one of this model. I know I am.
I just finished this kit and it is very nice! I found the roof a bit fiddly, but I probably should have realized that the configuration would be something different from the image of the completed kit. A test fit probably would have helped, too. It still went on fine and looks good. The model is very sturdy. I was a little disappointed that there was no half-timbered skin option, but the three skins (two bricks, one stone) and optional stucco covering are all first class. The windows on this model are particularly nice. The kit also comes with a bonus wheelbarrow that is easily assembled and looks super. It comes in two versions, as well. This kit is definitely well worth the price.
This is a true gem. I really like the versitility of the model and the simplicity of the construction. It is also very sturdy and should last through many hours of gameplay. The multiple skins allow me to use it in fantasy, steampunk, and even frontier settings. That is a lot of value in one slim package. I've built one and have already printed another. I plan to have a total of at least four. The only thing I could ask for is a base plate for the design that would be as versitile as the model itself. That would make it perfect.
A nice, clean set with excellent character art, I bought this set with no idea who the Black Unicorn is and I still don't know. I run a 2e AD&D campaign set in 1890 on an alternate version of Earth and needed figures for a good steampunk setting. David's Contraption sets were just the ticket. I bought sets 1 & 2 and hope there will be more. I don't know quite what to do with the Black Unicorn, but the 44 thugs, er, gentlemen that accompanied him have made quite a contribution to my campaign. The blokes handling those chains were a bit of a bother to cut out, I recommend a fresh blade when you start on them.
This is a fun little list that is especially useful when you are a game master who is running off-the-cuff. It is true that most of the items on the list are elixirs, potions, and other mixtures that definitely sound like they are more suitable to be useful in a setting where magic and/or alchemy is available, but many sound perfect for exotic drinks in a sci-fi setting. After reading the list the first time, I was instantly inspired to write up some of the magical brews for my Advanced Dungeons and Dragons campaigns (yup, I still run AD&D) and some of the others for Champions, Mekton II, Star Trek the RPG, and Traveller. Imagine that, a generic role playing supplement that is actually usable in multiple game systems and in multiple settings. Admittedly, this product is most useful in fantasy settings - but the only true limitation to it's usefulness is the imagination of the game master using it.
This is a nice little model! Like most of the Rake's Corner buildings I've purchased so far, this building lacks alternate layers. This means that when you've bought this shop, you've only bought one model. Wrong! Like many David Graffam models, the Wizard's Shop of Rakes Corner can be customized by using parts from other models. The quickest and easiest modification is simply reversing the roof to place the chimney in the front and move the dormer to the rear left side of the building. You can always craft new signs to cover the one printed above the door. Printing out an extra first page and playing with scissors can give you yet another variation, too. Why build multiples of this model? Well, any Merchant's Quarter can use them. The reinforced dormer supports a lot of rooftop action (easily holds two lead figures) that adventurers crave in cities and this is a good value! The model comes with a good footprint that makes lining up the walls a snap when the model is finished. You have the option of putting the ground piece on a piece of foam core board and gluing down the covers for the edges or cutting the edges of the ground pieces off and gluing the model to a thicker piece of cardboard.
This little item is more of a novelty item than a serious gaming accessory, but then, creating a pantheon for your campaign setting requires careful thought and planning, right? I've got to say that I have gotten some results on this little gem that have gotten the whole crew scratching their heads and more than a few that have got them laughing. Its free, its fun, its chaotic, and its shiny. I use it to generate little-known cults and the religions of travelers from distant kingdoms with strange ways and unusual customs. Its really good at strange ways and unusual customs.
The Swan House was one of my first purchases from David Graffam after downloading his free Coach House and Hovel Models. It was a quick, easy build for even a beginner and looked very handsome on the table, so a second was quickly built and added. With the Swan House sign I suppose it is meant to be an alehouse or some other establishment, but my players preferred them as upper middle class homes. We now have three, two modified with parts from other kits, and probably will end up building more. That is the testament of the versatility of this and other David Graffam models.
You're tired, you've had a hard week, and your gamers are going to be over in 30 minutes! Been there, done that? Guess what! This just be your lucky night! This book contains enough good ideas and just enough information to CYA without disrupting your campaign by bringing in extra stuff you don't need. It is also handy to have around when your gamers do the unexpected (yeah, like you never caught caught completely off guard!) and all of your prep work for the night's adventure just went out the window. It is written in the age of Pathfinder, Dungeons and Dragons 4.whatever but it is still generic enough that I have no trouble using it in my Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Campaign. (Yeah, that's right, AD&D! I'm 50 and still gaming with college kids.) I can't believe these guys are giving this thing away for free! Grab it while you can! I mean it! Now!