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Ancient cities 1
Publisher: Black Hand Source
by James P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/16/2011 16:00:03

I have searched for years and years to find city maps that evoke the feel and detailing of a true to life city. I have to say that this title is exactly what I have always been looking for.

I love the way the city seems to have grown orgaincally over time, the houses each have their own shapes and the streets bend and wind just like a true medieval city. I can easily imagine the city walls expanding over time as more area is claimed from the surrounding countryside.

The clusters of buildings in several areas have been rendered in such a way to suggest urban estates of wealthy nobles. There are also plenty of unique building typies depicted to populate your small city with all manner of temples, shrines, keeps, garrisons and taverns.

The additonal pages showing reference numbers, color coded city districts and even a beautiful black and white 'blank' map give the gamemaster loads of readily accessible tools to develop this locale to his/her taste.

I highly recommend this title and am eagerly awaiting future Ancient City installments!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ancient cities 1
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The Ravenlands Bundle 1: Castle and Village (1" square = 5')
Publisher: Scrying Eye Games
by James P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/16/2011 15:43:49

This series of maps is full of lush full color detail. The 1" map grid suits many standard game systems and is rendered on the drawing in such a manner as to be easily accessible without detracting from the overall image.

The gaming structures depicted on the maps are detailed enough to evoke many classic gaming scenes but open ended enough to allow for a creative gamemaster to develop their own encounters.

Rangers, Druids or any PC with skill ranks in herbalism or survival will find the highly detailed plant life a potential cornucopia of healing herbs. Or perhaps certain flowers could provide poisons for assasin characters. Imagine a map where your PCs are encouraged and rewarded for exploring the areas with their eyes!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Ravenlands Bundle 1: Castle and Village (1" square = 5')
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