I've used Mythic mostly as a GM emulator, a little as GM tool, but never as a system entirely on its own. My review does not include the system.
As a GM emulator, I've been repeatedly impressed how it manages to throw surprises despite that it essentially splits the GM role among the players and engine. A friend actually described it as a sub-plot generator and I think that is accurate.
The players (or GM, if you're playing with one) decide together the main plot. It is a brief write-up and the less specific the better. Those will happen during the game. Then you decide the first scene -- again, very brief. From there everyone asks simple yes/no questions to flesh it out. With every question there is a chance of a random event determined by rolling on two charts -- the subject and action. Between everybody's input via the questions they ask, plus the Mythic engines input via the random events, truly dynamic situations develop.
It's not perfect. Everyone still has to police themselves to make sure the game remains on track, but that is true of every game. It's just more true with Mythic. Also, sometimes the interpretation of the subject and action is difficult. Despite these small criticisms Mythic does what it claims. I reserve five stars for a game that is virtually flawless. I'd actually like to give it four and a half.