I am of two minds about this particular suppliment. While any GM wanting to use Scavenger Fleets as protagonists/antagonists for the PCs to encounter will find no problems with the information given.
A GM wishing to use the Fleets as the basis of a roleplaying campaign (And it was the first thing I thought of when I read the information about the 'Far Scouts'.) will have a much harder time of it as information, such as how to modify the stock character types (As appears in the Red Sangha Mercenary Corps suppliment.) in Stars Without Number is lacking.
While the merchant campaign sourcebook Suns of Gold does provide some of the information needed, much work on the GMs part would be still be needed to create a viable player campaign based on this suppliment.
This is one suppliment that I would be happy to see re-issued in an expanded form, even if I had to pay for it. What is here is excellent, but more is needed.