To be honest, I've never seen a tabletop sandbox rpg. However I'm impressed. Even if I don't use the system, it's a great supplement to any rpg where you need a way to build worlds.
Thus far this is a great d20 system. I like the sector, world, quest, cult, heresy and npc building tables. Filling in the details or modifying what comes up to remain in theme is easy. I also like the the modular 3 class system. Getting rid of feats and making everything a skill also helps.
Its a lot of extra paperwork, but Factions add a whole new dimension to the RP. If used, crime syndicates, governments, et cetera exist in system. Meaning the players can form or join a faction to achieve objectives of their own (e.g. defeat a faction, save the world, educate the masses, et cetera).
However I do have gripes about the book. The table of contents and index lack detail. So it takes time to find needed material to build characters, sectors and worlds.