This product makes me really, really excited for the full game. I've always wanted to play a sci-fi Pathfinder game, and this looks like it will deliver.
My only gripes, though are:
3d rendering: Most of it is nice, but I'm still not loving anything with exposed skin in a render, even though there are programs coughSkinVuecough that allow such rendering without such a heavy uncanny valley effect.
Typos: Few and far between, but there's some, the most glaring (for me), is when being a Space Pirate captain "take no soul".
Ultimately, I feel that this game has the potential to overcome its backgrounds on the d20 system (Yeah, I have to bash it once a review, being a d6/d8/d10 snob), and be a really, really fun game. I'm just not 100% sure, but you can look for yourself.