That aside, I am a seasoned DM, but I don't have the time these days to write my own adventures. Enter DMSGuild and the plethora of adventures available for download.
Very short and simple adventure. Did take some prompting to get the party going and I was able to use it as a return stop for the continuation of our campaign. The Mastiff ended up adding a whole bunch of quirky nonsense as it got stuck in an upside down room in the Fiendly Arm Inn adventure and the party had to 'lift' the mastiff down into the lower floor in a reverse gravity room.
Ran my players through this last night. They enjoyed it quite a bit. Was able to easily adapt the wolfpine forest into the wood of sharp teeth east of Baldur's Gate.
I love how it divides different 'store types' then their proposed inventory.
I would prefer if it was divided differently. EG: Blacksmith is 1.5 pages, and the remainder of page 2 was blank rather than rolling over into another shop.