Over sized buxom women, under sized story line. Unappealing sex scenes, unintelligent dialog. Good thing this wasn't meant to be taken seriously, right?
Not what I was expecting, I had greater hopes for it. I suppose it was meant to just be a tease of shapely female bodies, but it would work for teens not for adults!
Artwork was simplistic but graphic enough to keep my attention. Story line is familiar but entertaining. I can see myself following this as something to while away the time.
Not much going for this one except the graphic depictions. It appears there was an attempt at humor (at least I hope there was) but it didn't quite mesh.
There's not much I can say about the story content.....because there was no story. All I received were covers of issues. The artwork was ok, but so is a lot of other work. I wouldn't say it inspired me enough to want to purchase it.