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Glitch: A Story of the Not
Publisher: Jenna Katerin Moran
by Jordan D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/19/2021 10:48:38

I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to play or run Glitch- previous works in this line, like Nobilis and Chuubo's, stayed on my shelf for years before I ever got a chance to actually introduce my friends to them. But much like those works, you just need to read Glitch to recognize immediately that this is the kind of experience that you absolutely cannot get anywhere else. When the stars finally align and a game does come together, you're not going to forget it anytime soon.

Speaking of shelves, Glitch is a very attractive book and I recommend getting a print copy if you're the sort of person who enjoys having pretty books around. Even the digital editions are quite fun to read, helped in large part by the copious full-page illustrations of demigods dying of absolutely ridiculous things (personal favorite: Vilita Skaudus). As always, the author's microfiction and ability to spin tangents is a treat.

If you enjoy a little introspection about the nature of fiction and created worlds, I recommend picking up this book to read it. If you also like having a pretty book on your shelf, I think the printed book is worthwhile. If you're feeling a little burnt-out on traditional RPGs and would like to try something kinda crazy and different with your regular group, this is definitely an option you should consider.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glitch: A Story of the Not
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The Broken-Winged Crane
Publisher: White Wolf
by Jordan D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/10/2010 14:37:54

If you have Infernals, you need to have this too. If you don't have Infernals, you should buy this anyway simply for NPC ideas, because the Primordial Charms detailed here are probably among the coolest ever written. I cannot stress enough how replete with phenominal cosmic power this book is.

Seriously, it is awesome.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Broken-Winged Crane
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