I like the feel of this pack. It has a nice old school AD&D first edition vide to it.
I like the art and it certainly gives you a wide selection. Some of it has a very "old school" AD&D 1st edition feel to it, which I like. Overall I am satisfied with the product but I am a little miffed at how fast the price dropped. I bought it when it first came out for $12 and a few days later it is now $5. A word of advice to the publisher: please don't drop your price so fast. Not a huge deal since you do get a lot of art for the price, but it makes me hesitant to purchase future products upon release if there is a possibility it might be cheaper a few days later.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the review. It alerted me to an error. I entered the update on my phone which the keyboard app had locked up twice while I was updating. The initial price was an introductory offer for early customers set at $12. The price was intended to be raised to $15, not lowered to $5. (A couple of people got an accidentally great deal on my mistake. I am new to DTRPG and after reading your review I was hesitant to raise the price to $15, so after much consideration, I decided not to raise the price that much and settled on the current price to make it more affordable and a good deal for stock art. Sorry for the inconsistency and thank you for your purchase. Sincerely, Patrick. |
Thank you for making high quality artwork available for use for other small press companies.
As far as game books go the D&D Rules Cyclopedia offers what may be the best value for your money. It certainly has sentimental value for us old school gamers who remember when elf, dwarf, and halfling were classes and playing D&D didn't require pouring through sourcebooks to decide what kind of fighter to play. It harkens back to an earlier age when RPG rules were simple, uncluttered, and the game was more about imagination than balancing skills and character options.
Beyond the nostalgia value there is still a lot to love about this product. In addition to character generation it covers rules for making characters immortal, game world information for Mystara, a little bit of the Hollow World setting, monsters, treasure, converting characters to and from OD&D to AD&D, and large scale combat. Seriously, it has everything but the kitchen sink! I highly recommend this product for any D&D fan-young or old, new or experienced.
A good piece that could easily work with modern, fantasy, or just about any other genre. Very good detail and realistically proportioned.
I like the feel and style of this piece. Another good product from Postmortem.
I love the picture. My only complaint is that the product comes as a RAR file and not a tif as mentioned in the description so I had to go out of my way to get a program that could open it. Other than that minor gripe I'm satisfied with the purchase. Keep up the good work Postmortem Studios!
For two bucks you get 41 pictures put through various Instragram filters. Even though a few of the images are a little blurry and duplicated there are enough good images to make up for it. I like the overall mood the pictures convey. As a publisher I can see these being useful in a modern or horror setting.
There is a good variety of images here. I especially like how some of the images use slightly different angles to create visible interest. I look forward to seeing more work from this company.
Once again LPJ Design delivers by providing publishers with high quality artwork at a reasonable price. There is a nice variety in this package with two hellish landscape, two fantasy towers, two cave scenes and a misty forest.
I bought this product as part of the stock art ships bundle. I was a little disappointed by the bundle as a whole. Since the cover shows several space ships I was under the impression I would be getting several images. Instead each PDF in the bundle has one image.
This image is called "Battle Ship 3." It is the same ship used in Stock Art Space Ships 2 and 3, only it is put against a very generic star field. Its functional, but not very exciting. Use your photo editor of choice to replace the background with something with a little more interest (such as a public domain image from NASA) and you'll have a much more interesting piece.
I bought this product as part of the stock art ships bundle. I was a little disappointed by the bundle as a whole. Since the cover shows several space ships I was under the impression I would be getting several images. Instead each PDF in the bundle has one image.
This pdf contains an image entitled "Battle Ship 1." It depicts a large spacecraft flying over a pink and white upper atmosphere. The detail in the image is nice, as you can see clouds reflected off the surface of the ship. This is probably the best image of the bundle.
I bought this product as part of the stock art ships bundle. I was a little disappointed by the bundle as a whole. Since the cover shows several space ships I was under the impression I would be getting several images. Instead each PDF in the bundle has one image.
This pdf contains one image entitled "heavy fighter." As the name implies it is a heavily armed space ship and could be useful in the right project. It is against a solid, dark grey background so some manipulation might be necessary to use it in your project. Its a decent image, but a bit blocky.
Elf Gallery part 1 contains a useful assortment of pieces that can be used for a variety of different character classes. My only complaint is with the last piece. The picture itself is an elf in robes casting a spell of some sort (looks like lightning or fire). The spell energy is cut off at the top. With a little creative layout I can use it without that part standing out too badly, but I would have liked it better if it wasn't cut off.
Not a bad selection of pieces, though I do have a few complaints. First, the description says you get 12 pieces of art, though in reality there are only 11 because one of the images was included twice. The duplicate image also has a few defects on it, like there was some debris on the paper when it was scanned. of the remaining 11 images one is unusable to me because part of the image is cut off. So I'm actually getting 10 images that I can use. Still, for the price I paid though I am satisfied with what I got. I like the last image the best, which is a male ranger holding a bow. His cloak covers his ears, so you could just as easily use him as a half elf or human.