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The Wrong House
Publisher: Broken Soul Press
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/25/2013 11:23:02

Let me recap my thoughts after reading the first few pages of this book: Page 1: “Ooh this looks nice!”, Page 2: “Oh hell no! That had to hurt!”, Page 3: “I’m hooked!” Wow what a great comic this was, because on all levels this one is a winner. The story was so damn good, and I can not get over how well it all played out. The way that Lawson told this one has me wanting more NOW! Think Tarantino, that is all I will say. The artwork is right on par with the story, it is so GORE-Geous. Kay did a fantastic job of being able to capture the terror that was needed for this book to be so strong. I simply can not get over how great this issue was. All I can really say is that you need to read it, and you need to read it now. And to you creators on this book, get to creating because we need more now!

  • Dying Breath 5.0 out of 5.0

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Wrong House
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Bloody Hell
Publisher: Boardguy
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/04/2013 12:12:30

Now this is a fantastic anthology. I have to start by just saying how GORE-Geous Wilson's artwork is. It is seriously to die for. The use of color on two of the 3 stories, made no difference from the black and white one, because it was all so damn good. The stories themselves are amazing too. The first is an adaptation of a Loobecraft story that will chill you to the bone (adapted by Rod Lott). The second story and third stories are so good, matter of fact, this book is just so damn good all around. Stop reading this review and go read it, seriously stop reading this now, your still reading this aren't you?

Dying Breath 5.0 out of 5.0

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bloody Hell
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Drop Dead Dangerous #2
Publisher: Happy Lockjaw
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/19/2012 10:24:30

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5 My 2011 pick for the Best Book You Never Heard of is back and it is bringing all the serial killing goodness back with it! While this issue seems to build more on the back story, which is what a second issue should do, it is still an awesome read. Beginning with a horrific dream sequence, which is visually stunning, the story transfers into a mellow spot before bringing in some more bag guys for me to go gaga over. Banting’s artwork is eye melting, it fits into the “Manga” style, but he is able to really deliver on facial expressions, and his gore scenes are GORE-Geous. Ripping off someone’s arms never looked so good before! Cabrera keeps the story moving forward at a good pace, and his dialogue seems to always be spot on. I love this series, I just wish I could get it faster. While I sit here patiently waiting for more, make sure to go get the digital copies of this one. I hear printed ones may be in the works, so for now you can save some money and get the digital versions to enjoy.

Artwork: 4.5 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Drop Dead Dangerous #2
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Drop Dead Dangerous #0
Publisher: Happy Lockjaw
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 09/02/2011 14:17:40

This is a review for both issues #0 and #1

Artwork: 4.5 out of 5 Fans of the artwork found in Hellsing and Priest gather around because this book is right up your alley. This book had its moments where I didn’t quite see what was going on in the action scenes, but there might have been only 2 max. This book is drop dead GORE-Geous plain and simple. While it does look like most Manga style titles, it’s consistent from panel to panel , and the death scenes are to die for. Character design is solid, but I have to bow down to the decapitation scene in issue #1. I love the look on these books.

Story: 4.0 out of 5 The story here is something I have been wanting for a while in comics, a serial killer story that has legs. The dialogue had its choppy moments, but overall moved me along at a great pace. A serious and yet cheesy, but great cheesy, highlight was during the decapitation scene because the wording was perfect. The written action, the suspense, the poetry, it is all a mix that is blossoming as the issues go on. I have no doubt that issue #2 and beyond will drive this book and it the same level as the artwork.

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5 This book was an unexpected surprise. I am shocked that it’s not in Antarctic Press’ line of horror titles (yet). I love the concept, I love the setting, I love the writing and I love the artwork. I want more of this and I want it now. This book is being done right so far. It is hitting on a subject in horror comics that is not often done and that is a shame. If you want a serial killer title that is on track to having it all you need to read this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Drop Dead Dangerous #0
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Brutally Frank Issue 1
Publisher: Whiplash Rumor Publishing
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/31/2011 14:59:56

Dying Breath: 4 out of 5 I wasn't sure what to think of this book just based on the description given. I knew I wanted to try it out though, there is just something so appealing to that cover. So I decided to give it a look and I was happy that I did. The artwork alone was just through the roof. There wasn'ta single panel that I didn't like and I will say it was the high point to the issue. The story on the other hand was full of great moments, but I felt at times, even with the amount of backstory given, it wasn't enough. The action was present, and the story itself was compelling, but it just seemed like something else could have been added. One way or the other I liked it, and I can't wait to read #2. This one is dark and intriguing so do yourself a favor and check it out.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Brutally Frank Issue 1
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Artifacts #1
Publisher: Top Cow
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/17/2011 12:00:20

Dying Breath 4 out of 5 It's rare these days for me to really enjoy something where I don't know the whole cast. Sure I know a little about Witchblade and the Darkness, but nothing to make me want to just dive into this book. However, I am on board for this ride after reading this issue. The artwork is GORE-geous from page to page and well that gets me going on the eye candy side of things. The story is what really hauled me in though. I was big on the Witchblade train for about a year, so I think it's safe to say that reading this issue has gotten me back into that spirit. The pacing was great and really intriguing. I loved the build up as it went along too. Needless to say Top Cow, you can count this headless guy on board for the whole sha-bang!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Artifacts #1
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Good Samaritan: Unto Dust #1
Publisher: Glow in the Dark Radio
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/12/2011 10:23:43

Dying Breath: 3.5 out of 5 The basic summary to this issue is great artwork with a storyline that is trying to catch up. Now the story is not bad at all, I found it to be very cool, but with some gaps here and there it just didn’t live up to the look. While this may not be 100% horror, don’t take your attention away from it. I think there is something here that is going to really jump out and grab some people. So expect me to stay tuned to this one, I want to see where it’s going.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Good Samaritan: Unto Dust #1
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Darkness: Four Horsemen #1 (of 4)
Publisher: Top Cow
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/22/2010 15:20:44

Dying Breath 4 out of 5

It's actually not to typical for me to go and read a Darkness book. I guess I have never been drawn to the character before, but with that said I wanted to give this book a read due to people kind of nudging me in its direction. I was pleasantly surprised at the product, but then again it was written by David Hine. The artwork was pretty good here and there but there were some GORE-geous scenes in between that made it a big winner. The story was engaging and I will easily be looking to check out the rest of this mini series, mostly because I have to know how The Darkness can win. There is a lot more Hell that is going to break loose and I will not have a problem admitting that I am on board!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Darkness: Four Horsemen #1 (of 4)
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Breakfast with Rob
Publisher: Creator's Edge Press
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/22/2010 15:15:47

Dying Breath 3.5 out of 5

This issue wasn't too bad overall. I liked the pace of the story and the way it built up to a good payoff at the end. The artwork was descent from page to page, but I felt that the technique used to show the blood was a little odd, when compared to the art style of the book. The story was really clever, but there was one thing that I felt was holding it back. The was that it progressed was kind of told like that of a regular book. For example I don't need to be told "And then I said 'Hey Steve!' as I shouted it across the room". I think that the artwork should be able to apply that same storytelling device, so you can build more and use fewer text boxes. Overall though I did like it and I liked where it went. I think it's a fun zombie story with a killer ending, pun intended!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Breakfast with Rob
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Anyone but Virginia
Publisher: Alterna Comics
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 11/28/2010 16:22:15

Dying Breath 4.5 out of 5.0 I didn't know what to expect with this book right off the bat, ha I said bat. I wasn't sure if it was going to be just another vampire book or going off how I interpreted the item description, an update on the classic story. I read this book as more of the later, and I was not let down. Actually I never read the Bram Stoker version, just seen the movie, but this came across in the same kind of vain. However it was updated to the 1930's.

The artwork was just fantastic. It has a nice dark and gloomy look to it, that really sets the visual tone for the story very well. The pages actually come off to me as these great digital paintings. Lets just say that I like the look of this book.

The story was the winner though. It was full of so much goodness that I just didn't want it to end. The story came off so well, it was entertaining but not in the sense that it was all action. Instead it was just a solid story that had great dialogue and easily has me wanting more. I say read it, and read it now!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Anyone but Virginia
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Jeff #1
Publisher: Creator's Edge Press
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 11/28/2010 16:08:55

Dying Breath 4.0 out of 5.0 This book was a really fun read. The action was always present and the dialogue was smart and witty. I highly enjoyed it when Jeff would try and explain what was going on and yet no one believed him. The artwork is what really got me though. I mean come one, look at that cover! The interiors shine from panel to panel. This is one of those books that when I try to recall it in my head, all I really see is a cartoon being played out. As simple as I can put it, I liked this book. It was nothing too heavy, but was able to easily hold it's ground and keep me interested from one page to the next. A great read and now I want more!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Jeff #1
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Rainbow in the Dark #2
Publisher: Comfort Love and Adam Withers
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/27/2010 12:33:02

So if I loved issue #1 as much as I did, and trust me I LOVED #1, how did I feel about #2? Well... alright let me get my one gripe out of the way. While I know what works visually here, seeing a thong and ass crack, kinda turned me away from the artwork a little. That's it, just a small little thing that showed up twice, made me kinda turn my head from side to side.

The artwork again is just great. When you get to the scenes in this issue that have the monsters, I was just happy as a school girl looking at pictures of Justin B. I loved the way that the "electrical" weapons fired. It was just so pretty that my eyes can still see the bright lights! Seeing the bad guys lair was nice as well. But where were the gray tones in this one? I look forward to see how out heroine changes as issues move forward.

Story wise this one delivers again. This time we are treated to the hows and why's of what is going on. Loved the descriptions. Then as the issues progresses, BAM, we are hit with more action! The story is great here and well, I just want more, and more and then some more. So trust me when I say that this one makes it easy for me to say to you, check it out!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Rainbow in the Dark #2
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Rainbow in the Dark #1
Publisher: Comfort Love and Adam Withers
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/27/2010 12:23:37

Holy hell! How visually stunning can one book get. Just from an art standpoint, wow! I had a feeling that when I came across this book, that something was different about it. Now personally I have never seen an approach to color like I did with this issue. The gray tones alone stand out as fantastic, but then the panels where there is a mix of color and grays, just GORE-geous! The artwork really captures the spirit of this book as well. The dull scenes we find in gray and then color scenes captured in glorious color. The mix is great.

The story lives right up to those same expectations too. It was intriguing and engaging from the first page to the last. It was so enjoyable I had to go straight on to issue #2! The issue really picked up speed when we moved into the action sequences and didn't let off the throttle, until, well when the book was over. Highly recommend this book. It was a pleasure to have a chance to read it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Rainbow in the Dark #1
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Rising Stars #1
Publisher: Top Cow
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/21/2010 12:38:08

Hand down this is one of my all time favorite series. Some people like to say that it kind of went off track towards the end but not me. I loved the concept here and the way it was executed was just top notch. This issue starts everything rolling in the right direction so take a look, you'll easily be hooked if you have not had a chance to check this one out just yet.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Rising Stars #1
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Grim Crew Presents: Dead Future #5
Publisher: Raven Warren Studios
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/21/2010 12:35:43

If you haven;t had a chance yet to check out the Dead Future series, I have to ask what your waiting for? First of all your here looking at this review, so your off to a good start. These books are packed full of horror goodness!

I really enjoyed this issue. I think that as each issue comes out the team behind them get a better grasp on horror anthologies. Nice artwork and good stories lend to the overall here so easily worth me saying give it a chance.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Grim Crew Presents: Dead Future #5
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