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Thrilling Tales 2e: The Valley of Mystery $5.00
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Thrilling Tales 2e: The Valley of Mystery
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Thrilling Tales 2e: The Valley of Mystery
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Samuel K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/04/2011 19:24:09

Another winner from Adamant! This is a nice, healthy adventure (I suspect it would take a couple of sessions to complete) with an Indiana Jones / Lost World sort of flavor. As one would expect from this genre, there are some distinctly non-PC elements, but as long as the players understand that it's meant to capture the style of these sorts of pulp stories - warts and all - it shouldn't be an issue for any but the most sensitive of gaming groups. As usual, I'll complain about the lack of maps, but otherwise, I highly recommend it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Thrilling Tales 2e: The Valley of Mystery
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Jeffrey V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/25/2010 18:47:32

A typical Pulp-style adventure written in the cinematic style, the Valley of Mystery has plenty of excitement, travel, and opportunities to react with a variety of villains in order to survive the valley and escape with the knowledge of the past it promises. Along the way, you get to thwart the Nazi's, reveal a treacherous follower, and cavort with dinosaurs. What more could any red-blooded pulp hero ask? There are a couple of jarring elements in the scenario (depending on the kind of campaign you're running), but they are easy enough to weed out or change to something more suitable. Overall, its an excellent little adventure with several distinct ways to expand it and connect it to other events in your campaign. A good solid effort by Adamant Entertainment.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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