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Magical Haul One $1.25 $1.00
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Magical Haul One
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Magical Haul One
Publisher: Avalon Classic
by William W. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/06/2012 22:46:27

A pretty good collection of 9 magic items of variable quality and utility. Some items are somewhat vague in their descriptions, like the Boots of Fate, which lead the wearer to adventure (But -which- adventure? The nearest one? Is there a range limitation?). Likewise, the Two Knot Snake Ring has as one of its powers the ability to change into a small viper - but no benefit for this use is listed (Is the viper friendly to the user, and will follow his orders?)

Of course, any good GM can fill in these details as they wish, and as a short list of magic items that could serve as springboards for adventures, this collection is likely worth the price.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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