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Rainbow in the Dark #1 $0.00
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Rainbow in the Dark #1
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Rainbow in the Dark #1
Publisher: Comfort Love and Adam Withers
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/27/2010 12:23:37

Holy hell! How visually stunning can one book get. Just from an art standpoint, wow! I had a feeling that when I came across this book, that something was different about it. Now personally I have never seen an approach to color like I did with this issue. The gray tones alone stand out as fantastic, but then the panels where there is a mix of color and grays, just GORE-geous! The artwork really captures the spirit of this book as well. The dull scenes we find in gray and then color scenes captured in glorious color. The mix is great.

The story lives right up to those same expectations too. It was intriguing and engaging from the first page to the last. It was so enjoyable I had to go straight on to issue #2! The issue really picked up speed when we moved into the action sequences and didn't let off the throttle, until, well when the book was over. Highly recommend this book. It was a pleasure to have a chance to read it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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