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Eclipse Phase: Bump in the Night (first edition) $4.99
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Eclipse Phase: Bump in the Night (first edition)
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Eclipse Phase: Bump in the Night (first edition)
Publisher: Posthuman Studios
by Adam S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/09/2015 11:15:02

It's a solid enough adventure, but I can't help but feel that it wasn't balanced or playtested enough. It's definitely the SEED of a really fun little adventure; a good GM could turn the half-dozen or so NPCs into memorable, fun characters the PCs will enjoy interacting with, but there's just not that much substance. There are no guidelines on what kind of PC skillsets are appropriate for the adventure (as written the party can be thrown into combat with a quartet of Speed-3 dual-wielding assassins, which depending on party composition could be a tough but winnable fight, or a 50-minute slaughterfest that ends in a TPK) and it looks far too easy for a party of ego-torturing killbots to just buzzsaw their way through without any social skills at all. A good GM can salvage all of the good and fix the bad; but the fact that modules are supposed to come with all that work done already is holding me back from rating it any higher than 3 out of 5.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Eclipse Phase: Bump in the Night (first edition)
Publisher: Posthuman Studios
by Jordi F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/02/2012 17:13:45

I'm a bit disappointed with this adventure.

EP can be a daunting task to GM ... Glory is a good example as an adventure that guides you and teach you how the inner gears of EP works. Bump in the night is like "here there are NPC, here are maps, and this is the plot ... good luck".

And I don't lack imagination, what I lack is time and experience with the setting. And this adventure isn't helpful at all.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Eclipse Phase: Bump in the Night (first edition)
Publisher: Posthuman Studios
by Erathoniel W. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 11/11/2010 15:48:26

I have two gripes with Bump in the Night. It's incredibly well written, as is everything Eclipse Phase related, but these are just too big to ignore:

A. Not Firewall related, meaning that while it's good to start off, you don't necessarily get a lot of stuff. B. Price. 11 pages. 5 dollars. I like it and all, and it's got some awesome art, but the problem is that the main reason I'd need an pre-written adventure for Eclipse Phase is not a lack of creativity, but a lack of time to set up the game, and with only 11 pages of content, it'd be hard to run a full-length game, especially given that my group would just gun straight through.

It's well-written, and got great art, but to be honest, Bump in the Night can't get much more than a 3 star rating. It's professional, but it's not so bountiful.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Eclipse Phase: Bump in the Night (first edition)
Publisher: Posthuman Studios
by Eric G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/24/2010 12:25:15

Bump In the Night is the third published adventure for the RPG Eclipse Phase. Taking place on one of the seedier aerostats of the planet Venus, the PCs are called in to lend their expertise solving an innocuous-seeming problem: recently resleeved transhumans showing subtle but odd symptoms that lead to their eventual disappearance.

I found this adventure for EP less exciting than the others published thus far, not because it isn't a Firewall adventure but because the setting of the adventure seemed a bit thin. The descriptions of the sort of things that usually happen in Parvati are more like an index than anything else - "your basic pleasure model" is the best way I can describe it. While a good GM could and should flesh it out before running it, compared to the other adventures I found it a bit lacking, but still well written.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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