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Eugenics Brigade: Villains of WWII (ICONS) $2.00
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Eugenics Brigade: Villains of WWII (ICONS)
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Eugenics Brigade: Villains of WWII (ICONS)
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Thomas B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 09/28/2010 03:07:30

The Eugenics Brigade are the counter balance to the Vigilance Force. In fact, they are the reason Vigilance Force was formed, and they are far more useful because villains tend to be far more useful for a GM than heroes do.

One of my gripes from Vigilance Force is present here as well, as several characters don't get any art, though there seems to be more individual art here than there was in Vigilance Force.

The first villain we get is a scantily-clad, nazi slutbomb stereotype (though she is a ballerina and not a dominatrix) named Charismatic, and thankfully she gets a picture. She has a twin sister with Luck Control powers to complete the ensemble.

Fireproof is the Nazi answer to the fiery hero Old Glory, and War Hound plays the Sabretooth to Marauder's Wolverine.

The two that impress me the most are Uberkrieger and Ubermensch, the Super Soldier and the Super Man. Underkrieger is just UGLY, with a large rifle and metallic jaws, while Ubermensch is, thankfully, not nearly as versatile as the real Superman.

There are other villains, as well as some cannon fodder such as soldier in jetpacks, mystics and the rejects from the Eugenics program.

For $2 this offers much more bang for its back than its predecessor, due to villains simply being more useful, as noted above. Definite recommendation.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Eugenics Brigade: Villains of WWII (ICONS)
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Timothy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/26/2010 09:48:52

I am a long time fan of Superhero games and have stacks and stacks of villains, heroes and challenges for my gaming groups. I find this selection of simply stated, Nazi villains to be in good company along side similar character folios from Villains and Vigilantes (Most Wanted series and Allies and Enemies) and many other hero systems, as well. This book gives me what I generally look for in a villain book -- Villains! What better villains are there than history's most evil and broadly hated group of occultist neighbor haters, the Nazis? There are simply few things as satisfying as stopping Nazi activity in its tracks. The book does not waste precious time (or printer ink) giving me a lot of build up or useless background information. I generally do not need to be told why Nazis are villains or, for that matter, who they were. Nazis are plug-and-play villains, tried and true bad guys, truly "evil" right out of the box. The books title is a little misleading. The book contains villains, not stories. If you are looking for plot lines and pre-made adventures, this is not the best pick, but I suspect the title is likely a reference to the short but interesting backgrounds of the villains. If you are looking for a simple and direct addition to your super hero campaign, then look no further. This is a good addition that will certainly give you a strong cross section of creative characters. Mad scientists, supersoldiers, occult overtones and questionable sciences abound in this nicely priced book of villains.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Eugenics Brigade: Villains of WWII (ICONS)
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Curt M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/26/2010 00:23:23

I rate Eugenics Brigade with 4 stars because it is merely a chapter of a serialized whole. It is not a stand-alone supplement. The write-ups are good, and I'm enjoying this series because it's a little grittier than Adamant's ICONverse so far.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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