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rpgKids (v1.5) $2.99
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rpgKids (v1.5)
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rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Randall W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/22/2020 18:43:40

This was the first product I purchased off the DMs Guild and I credit this with giving me a set of streamlined rules to introduce my daughters to the game of D&D - 10 years ago! They both remain fans and are now playing 5e on the regular! Thank you!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Jason S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/25/2019 11:07:19

This is an excellent introduction to tabletop RPG gaming for young ones.

The rules are simple, and the opportunity to tweak / alter / adjust them is there if you want it.

First time we played this was at an sleepover birthday party for my son.

3 boys opted to play, the rest were playing xbox....within an hour I had all 8 boys around the table playing once they saw what it was.

A+ material here

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Jason P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/02/2015 10:43:41

I thought it was a great starter to see if the kids would be interested and gauge whether I should try more RPG-type games with them. It was a success!

I learned that it was a little scary for my 4 y/o so I'm going to try creating my own adventures with less dungeon-crawl and more mystery/exploration/story-telling.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by John C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/18/2012 18:00:56

We've tried several RPG's for kids, but so far, my children have liked rpgKids the best. Some reasons why they responded well to it:

First, the entire ruleset comprises 4 pages, with one page of optional rules. The rest of the PDF gives advice on running games with kids, a full-length adventure, character sheets, colorful tokens and maps, etc. So, the simplicity of the game is probably one of the strengths to which my kids responded. Combat consists of a simple opposed roll. The game employs classes that are abstracted into three categories: melee, ranged and magic. The classes themselves are also rather abstract (Healers, Sword Fighters, etc.) with minimal characteristics to differentiate them. There are no attributes (i.e., no STR, DEX, etc.) to track. There are no hit points or weapon damage points, because every attack (melee, ranged or magical) does the same damage: Once a PC or monster is hit once, he is considered "Hurt," and if hit twice, he’s "Knocked Out." There's a simple healing mechanic to allow PC's to get back into the fight.

The simplicity might make the game sound dull, but I found that it allows the GM (presumably an adult) to shape and adapt character concepts and actual gameplay for dramatic effect, a mechanic which the game encourages. As simple as the game is, it wasn't always a cakewalk for the PC's to accomplish their goals, so having the freedom as a GM to do a bit of modification (and even hand-waving on occasion) to maintain drama and keep the story moving is a strength, I think.

One last thing which differentiates rpgKids from other kid games is the quality of its adventures (there's an Adventure Pack, in addition to the full adventure included in the game). Mind you, we're still talking about adventures written for 4-7 year olds, so have realistic expectations. However, unlike the insipid nature of the adventures in some other kids rpg's, these have depth, both in terms of gameplay and story. No insipid rat hunts in cellars!

My kids thoroughly enjoyed rpgKids. They were able to quickly grasp the nature of the character classes and adapt them to suit their needs (e.g., a Sword Fighter is easily shaped to be a mace-wielding dwarf, a Healer can be a robe-wearing priest, and a Wizard can be Gandalf or some necromancer). They were also able to quickly get into the action -- not bogged down by rules, they let their little imaginations fly. As GM, you just roll with their moves, and fun is had by all.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Shawn C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/15/2012 22:09:47

This is a very nice, easy way to introduce your young geeklings into the world of RPGs. My family is enjoying the first adventure and cannot wait to get into more.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by david f. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/30/2012 02:20:39

I played this with our 5 year old over the weekend. He looked after 4 characters and I did the GMing. We both had a brilliant time and he did not want to stop playing it. The rpg rules themselves need some work to make them clearer to read as to be realistic you will have to scan them very quickly as you are controlling several kids. Larger bullet points of just the important stuff would have helped. You could nt just give this to kids as there are a ot of assumptions which only a adult rpg player would know what to do with. The adventures themselves are cool but it did take me a while to realize the the first part of the adventure you are meant to role play with your child. Over all excellent fun and I liked the pre done floor plans a lot.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Aadel B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2012 11:33:54

I have very little experience with Rpg's and I was able to understand this game enough to run a campaign with my kids + their cousins and some adults in the mix!

Very fun, very simple. Great for kids and their parents. My girls keep wanting to know when we are going play again!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Matthew W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2011 20:23:53

Awesome game - my kids (ages 6 and 8) are completely hooked!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Pierre H. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/25/2011 15:29:03

This is Excellent! So far I've played it once with my kids (girls 3 & 7 years old). The young one lost interest after 15 minuttes, but the older one LOVED it - and she had a fit when we had to finish before the adventure was over.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Bruce B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2011 19:47:35

Just the right tone and complexity. See my longer review for the bundle product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Stephen Y. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/02/2011 05:58:02

Quite a simple system (well, it is for kids). A D6 for initiative, and a D12 for combat. No list of monsters with stats (as with most systems), every monster can take one hit (hurt: -1 to attack & defence). On the second hit, the target is knocked out, or taken out of the game if a monster. Medicine (healing potion), can be applied to a knocked out character to revive him/her.

I know that my nieces & nephews like to play the more intricate RPGs I play with my friends, but the rules seem to complicated for them (especially the character sheet); but this system is well within their grasp to understand.

You can make it a little more intricate (cover for example, as modifiers don't seem to listed). The systems can easily be modified with house rules. Well recommended for teaching kids the basics of role playing games (also cheap too at £1.89).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Steven G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2011 13:20:40

This is fantastic! I'm a couple decades into GMing tabletop games, and my stepdaughters (5 and 8) have expressed curiosity about it. I saw this linked from Facebook and had to give it a shot. I found some of the rules to be much too complex for the 5-year-old, especially considering her very limited attention span, but it was quite simple to skip over them entirely and just focus on the storytelling, roleplaying, and occasional dice-rolling.

Mia (the 8yo) was quite a bit skeptical at first, consistently questioning my rules (like when things get -1 or +1 bonuses), but she eventually understood my role as the GM.

I've done a complete revision to allow for all the different dice types, to also teach them how to recognize (and when to role) the d4, d8 or d10. Eventually we will get to d20s and percentile roles, once they get used to the current system.

In summary: rpgKids is a great launch pad for a creative DM to keep things simple and slowly introduce children to the magic of tabletop RP gaming. However, since every child's level of attention and mental development is different, it is virtually impossible to present the game "as is" to any given child. You know what your kids will enjoy and pay attention to, so you will have to edit the rules to suit their strengths, and by the time you have them worked in, you may find like I did that you are actually just playing a completely different game that you created yourself. It certainly helped to have this as a launch pad, though, and the adventure modules are VERY fun starting points!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Alex N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/13/2011 21:08:03

This game prompted the family to go to the game store and buy the 2 older kids (ages 4 and 7) their first dice (a d12 and a d6 for each). They really loved the experience of choosing just the right ones. That joy of first gaming is what this product is all about. Two thumbs up.

Sure there are some quirks, like why would you choose to be a wizard when the attacks are all relatively the same and archers have a longer range? Well the answer probably lies in the realm of imagination and enjoying a game where min-maxing is nowhere in sight.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Ches W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2010 08:22:34

I don't think I could say enough good about this. We had been playing 4e with our grown boys, and our 6 year old felt very left out. With this as a base, we built a game entirely for her, and she's thrilled. Each week, we build the story around the same set of characters and town, making them better and better heroes, and hitting harder and harder monsters. It is set at a perfect level for the 4-6 age range.

As for the reviewer who said he could build it in his garage, well yes, yes you could. But you didn't. And this gives parents a great starting place for introducing their children to this game!

The one thing I would like to see, is add-ons. I want to know what other people are doing with the scenarios... Maybe adventure packs for unimaginative parents :) (Or ones so busy running multiple campaigns weekly for other audiences, they dont' have time to figure out what the little kids would really like)


[5 of 5 Stars!]
rpgKids (v1.5)
Publisher: NewbieDM Press
by Hamilton R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2010 03:15:45

I'll be honest: I didn't like this at all. It's sporadic and unorganized* , a juvenile attempt at designing a game (pardon the pun).

  • When I say it's unorganized, I don't mean it has a poor layout or it's hard to understand. I mean that the information as presented is not easy for kids to understand as it stands; it seems to be more like an adult who understands rpgs will have to translate for his younger audience. (If you design a game for kids, make it easier to understand.) Sporadic means that you will use some of the information given, while you will rely on your base rpg to provide support. rpgKids sounds like it should stand on its own, when in fact, it does not.

Simply put, I could have "built one just like it in my garage" if I had been so inclined. So, why write a negative review like this? Answer: there are better ways to spend $3.

(Nothing personal, no offense meant -- it just doesn't seem like it's a product worth my money.)

[1 of 5 Stars!]
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