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10 Confessions & A Kiss 1 - "The Bracelet" $1.50
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10 Confessions & A Kiss 1 - \"The Bracelet\"
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10 Confessions & A Kiss 1 - "The Bracelet"
Publisher: Writers of the Apocalypse
by Volkamenia V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/11/2013 02:23:24

I'd recommend the author re-render the page sizes on this. There was major white space around my reader when I opened the files, and zooming in didn't really help at all. As for the story itself... It was alright. Nothing special, and I didn't get many laughs out of it (despite the author's claim at the back). The dialogue was well worded though, and it's clear from that that the author has some talent in this area. The art needs work, especially the paneling. I found it difficult to follow on some pages.

A nice attempt regardless and I'll look out for a next chapter, if there is one~.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
First, thank you very much for your thoughtful review. I\'m very sorry you had a bad experience with this. You unfortunately got an older copy of the book, which did have some issues with it. And yes, I admit: I still have a lot to learn when it comes to lettering. We all do the best we can. I hope the latest version is a great improvement.
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