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Raxath'Viz The Creeping Rot by Raging Swan
This product is 30 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (3 pages)
Raxath'Viz The Creeping Rot(22 pages)
First we get a bit of a background, which is really well written. Next we get a full heavily hyper linked stat block for him. He is a CR15 kobold, Cleric 10th, Divine Scion 3rd and rogue 3rd. Following this we get motives, appearance, history, personality, resources, Lair, network, tactics, morale, plot hooks, lore with DC checks, and the six profane boons, these are things his god has charged him with. As written he has accomplished 5 of the 6. It has rules for downgrading him to what stage he is at. Each time he accomplishes one he got more powerful.
We get a short bit of IC story told. Next we get stat blocks for a 10th level oracle Otyugh, then there is a list of followers but no stat blocks for them. There is also some new traps as well listed. There is also a full stat block for his pet as well, along with a full stat block for a massive otyugh as well. There is a full write up on his goddess Maramaga, with her church. It ends with a page on a cult.
It ends with a OGL ads, and how to use this with herolab. (5 page)
Closing thoughts. There is very little artwork, there is one color and a black and white art. They are fair. Editing and layout was good, I didn't notice any obvious errors. These products have been getting better and better. This one is very well written and interesting. I liked the last one in the series a lot but I think I might like this one even better. So what's my rating? Well I have nothing really negative to say about the product so I am going to give it a 5 star review.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
So What's a Human Called, Anyway. by Raging Swan
This product is 13 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, and credits. (5 pages)
Names(5 pages)
Here we get groups of names broken up in random tables. First we get Anglo-Saxon names, there is 50 each of male, female and surnames. Next we get Finnish names broken up the same way as the Anglo-Saxon names. Greek names come next which is done different and I honestly don't know why. We get 50 male and female names each and then 50 nicknames which is just descriptive words like short, tall, fat etc. Roman names goes back to the normal format and we get 50 male, female and surnames each again. Then Viking names go back to having 50 each of male and female and then 50 nicknames.
It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 page)
Closing thoughts. There is no artwork in the book. I wanted to like this book I really did cause I find things like this handy. But I noticed some of the names with a quick check at online naming sites are wrong. Most are fine but a few are wrong gender or seemed to be spelled wrong. Then I don't know why some of them have nicknames instead of surnames since having full names for cultures seems to be the point of having a product like this. I really wanted to like this product but it needs work and really needs to have the Greek and Viking surnames added and the product cleaned up a little. Still it is useful and handy for 2 bucks. I can't recommend it, but if you would like to have a handy random name chart for a couple of cultures this isn't to bad, but not to good either. So what's my rating? Well I do hope they make more of these and go back and fix the problems in this one. For now though I am giving it a 2.5 star review. Worth the asking price barely and of limited use.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
1001 Spells by Rite Publishing
This product is 291 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, and credits. (3 pages)
Spell Lists(34 pages)
Here is has the spell lists for each of the PFRPG casting classes. Each class gets a number of spells. I started to count how many each class got but it is hundreds each. They range from level 0-9 or max level for the class.
Spell Descriptions (232 pages)
Here is the meat of the book with full descriptions of all the spells. Luckily the book is heavily bookmarked to allow one to quickly find the spell one needs.
Appendix (19 pages)
Here is the spell lists for all the caster classes in the Advanced Players Guide and Ultimate Magic.
It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and range from fair to pretty good. Editing and layout is very good. I didn't notice any errors at all. It is well bookmarked which is a must for a PDF this size. This is a collected version of the 101 spells series done by Rite Publishing earlier. Which means there is 1010 spells or should be, I honestly didn't count them to be sure, just to many to count and not lose track of at some point. I do like how they added in the AGP and UM classes to this, I was hoping for them as web supplements for the previous series. For the price you just can't go wrong with this. The real question is, if you have the other books do you need this one? No not really, it is handy having them all in one place and having the extra spell lists but this isn't needed. For the price though for those that don't have the other ones I recommend picking it up. So what's my rating? Well the previous series got mostly 4-5 star reviews. A couple of complaints I had, has been fixed and I didn't notice any errors so I will give this a 5 star review.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
Book of Beats: Monsters of the Shadow Plane by Jon Brazer Enterprises
This product is 52 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, OGL, and credits. (4 pages)
Monsters(39 pages)
It starts off with a list of monsters from the 3 Pathfinder Bestiary's that also fit the plane of shadow. There is 57 new monsters in this book so no way I can list them all. They range in CR from ¼ to 21, and they seem to be fairly evenly spaced out in CR ranges over that range. This includes the first four appendix's which included several types of shadows 5, skeletons 6, zombies 6 and a new Darkened Template with 4 monsters having it applied to them already. Below is a few of my personal favorites.
Darkling – evil fey that look wicked cool and are wicked cool. They can self heal by licking blood from their fey axe.
Deathand – think of them like soul stealing grim reapers.
Dull Mite – I love them just for one of their special abilities. Color steal, yes they drain the color from stuff and do Chr dmg. Gnomes of Pathfinder shake with fear.
Elemental Shadows – Something needed.
Great Dodo – It's a giant Dodo being shown eating a man, what more need I say?
Monkeybat – it is a monkeybat that flings … filth... your players will HATE them.
Nightstalker – a Shadow undead lion thing, that causes desecration and fear.
Onyx Ooze – A ooze long ago trapped on the plane of shadow and transformed and spawned a new race.
Phantasm Swarm – tiny undead swarm, one of the coolest monsters in the book.
Vampiric Tree – despite it's name it is just a tree that eats living things.
Appendix 5-8 (8 pages)
Appendix 5 is a copy of the universal monster rules. Six is copies of feats used by the monster within this book. Seven is a new subtype of monster the shadow subtype and Eight lists the the creatures by CR groups.
It ends with a ads and back cover. (3 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and range from meh to pretty good. Editing and layout is very good. I didn't notice any errors at all. It is well bookmarked which is a big plus for a PDF this size. There is a whole host of varied and well done monsters, with new and interesting abilities, how they fit into the plane of shadow ecology, etc. While not all the monsters where great, there was very few bad ones and the vast majority where very good to outstanding. If this is the type of product we can expect from the rest of the line I really can't wait for it. I should note I am somewhat biased. I love the plane of shadow and have been looking forward to this book and the rest in the series since I heard about it. Plus I live there, so I am curious to see how well mere mortals get it right. So what's my rating? I am giving this a 5 star review. If you want monsters for the Plane of Shadows or more options from that plane then pick it up. You won't regret it.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
Random Encounters Remastered 3 by Purple Duck Games
This product is 31 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)
How to Use this Book(8 pages)
This section explains how to use the new encounters and all the new aspects and what they mean. It includes a bunch of terrain features, random tunnel table and some new hazards.
Expanded Tables (17 pages)
Here each location gets a indepth encounter table, disposition table, and terrain table. The locations expanded upon here are.
Bowels of the Earth – deep deep down into the earth.
Endless Caverns – old dungeons, caves systems near the surface etc.
Highlands – Hills and mountains.
Scorched Waste – deserts, wastelands, scrub lands etc.
Teeming Veldt – Warm Plains and low Hills.
Windswept Plains – Flat open plains such as in Russia Steeps or the Midwest of the US.
It ends with a OGL and contact info. (4 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and fair. Editing and layout is very good. I didn't notice any errors at all. My first reaction to this one was it wasn't as good as the previous ones. I think mostly cause it overlaps it's self with Bowels of the Earth and Endless Caverns. They are different but similar same with the Teeming Veldt and Windswept Plains. After thinking about it though I am glad both was done as they are different enough to have different monsters or creatures in them often. The terrain and hazards where not as inspiring but still good. I put this up with the rest of the series, the best random encounters tables yet made for Pathfinder or really any game. I really have nothing bad to say about the product. So what's my rating I am giving this one a 4.5 star review.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
Bugbear's of the Frozen Tears by Raging Swan Press
This product is 27 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, and credits. (5 pages)
Bugbear's of the Frozen Tears(4 pages)
We start off with ecology and society of the tribe, with how to use them in your game. Names for the bugbear's, Lair, Combat and Tactics (with locations they like to use including terrain features they use to their advantage near their lair).
Alternate Class and Race Features (4 pages)
Racial changes for the tribe. Yem bloodline for Sorcerers, a new familiar, new domain Fear, 5 new feats, 4 new spells, and 3 new magic items. Along with a alternate adepts spell list for adepts among the bugbear's.
Minor Encounters (4 pages)
Here is a list of possible encounters for encountering the tribe. We have encounters of CR 9, 10, 12, and 13. There is also full stat blocks for all the creatures in the encounters that are not key NPC's detailed later.
Persona (6 pages)
Here we get full stat blocks, backgrounds, personality, appearance, and tactics for each key NPC of the tribe. There is 5 NPC's in this section. CR 12 barbarian Bugbear, CR 9 Cleric bugbear, CR 15 half-fiend witch bugbear, CR 10 Sorceress Bugbear, CR 6 demon.
It ends with a OGL, reading stat blocks, ad, and back cover. (4 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and ranges from meh to very good. Editing and layout is very good. I didn't notice any errors at all. If you are a fan of the series you will like this one. This is one of the best if not the best of the series so far. My one complaint is, I wish they all came with maps of their lairs. The NPC's are well done and interesting, the tribe is very well done and I especially liked the sections on local terrain. So what's my rating? Well other than the map this product is outstanding. So for the price I will give it a 5 star review.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
The Sinister Secret Silvermote by TPK games
This product is 67 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (3 pages)
Backgrounds (6 pages)
This has a short background for the adventure, Plot hooks, Objectives, and the Journey. The Journey has 4 optional encounters to throw at the party during their trip to the adventure, CR 5, 7, 8, and 11.
Silvermote Adventure (38 pages)
There is 26 locations in the adventure and 24 encounters that range from CR2 to 17. Not all of them are monsters some of them are fiendish traps as well. The encounters are all undead, constructs, werecreatures and traps. The dungeon is from the mad warped mind of the main villain a Lich who has more background detail in another product Temerlyth's Infamous Adversary that I highly recommend to help flesh out the main villain. You don't need it but I think it helps a lot. Much of the adventure just fits his personality and history really well. The adventure is VERY hard, careless characters will not live long. If you the DM play the monsters traps, you need to make sure your PC's are clever as well. There is a group of cursed magical armor, by cursed I mean they was made with the souls of werecreatures.
There is also 25 volumes of books in the library which all have names, locks, and possible benefits. Some of them add bonuses using them while others are spell books. I very much liked the books here and would have liked to have seen even more and maybe them expanded. Perhaps as a future stand alone product?
Scaling the Adventure (4 pages)
Here we have options to scale the adventure if you want. It is currently set for 4-6 7th level PC's. I would recommend 6 or 4 8th level, the adventure is hard. A group of 4 7th could do it if they was on their toes. There is notes for making the adventure harder. The default adventure is considered CR 7, the optional ones are CR8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
Extra's (10 pages)
Here we get 1 new spell Silvermist (which is a mist/Fog type spell that obscures things, yet sticks to invisible objects makes them seen if close enough and damages werecreatures). Four new magic items, one is a very powerful shovel, one is a elixir, one silvermist chain shirt, and another is a artifact. The rest is full stat blocks for creatures found in the adventure.
More Extra's (4 pages)
Here we get some more extra stuff. A page for the new book stat blocks and how to make more of them. I would have really like to have seen this expanded, it is such a neat idea. A page to be printed out as a reference to help you run the adventure and finally two pages of the spell book of the main villain.
It ends with a OGL and full page map. (2 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and pretty good. Editing and layout is very good. I didn't notice any errors at all. It is well bookmarked and hyperlinked which for a PDF this big is nice. As a mentioned this is a very deadly and tough adventure, it also is a bit loot heavy. One item the shovel I think is a bit Oped as well. The map is good. I think this is a very good adventure that has a few rough spots and could have used a little more polish. As it is a couple of encounters are very easy, most are hard and some are just very deadly. Especially if you play the main villain as well as he deserves. I recommended checking this book out if it interesting you in the slightest. So what's my rating? I am going to give it a 4 star review, good but could have used a little more work.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
30 Fleshgrafts by Rite Publishing
This product is 17 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)
Fleshgrafts (8 pages)
It starts off with a interesting IC introduction. Next it jumps a new feat for crafting Fleshgrafts and new spell dealing with it. They are broken up by groups of what they do as follows. All of them have the creation rules include with them.
Fangs and Claws
Abyssal Barb
Leech Maw
Retractable Claw
Limbs and Limb Extensions
Choker (really just a tentacle)
Mantids Claws
Ocean Grasp (tentacles added on each arm)
Tattered Wings
Wondrous Wings
Glands and Internal Organs
Spinneret Glands (web spinning gland)
Spitter (acid spit)
Troll's Gland (limited regeneration)
Eyes of Arcane Sight
Eyes of Insight
Eyes of Truesight
True Seeing Eye Dog
Third Eyes
Cock's Eye (no not that get your mind out of the gutter it is a flesh to stone)
Creeper Peeper
Eye of the Abyss
Skin Colony
Ugothol's Mask
Angel's Blood
Stat Blocks (4 pages)
Here we get 3 sets of stat blocks. One is of the Gibber monsters CR1/2 and the other two are two NPC's that use the new Fleshgrafts rules CR11 and 12.
It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is a mix of color and black and white, it ranges from ok to pretty good. Editing and layout is very good. I didn't notice any errors at all. I will say this is not really my find of thing. I think stuff like this is cool but not really something that appeals to me overly much. Unless I am playing a very specific type of game. Anyways it is very well done and for those that do find this kind of thing interesting or neat. Then I really strongly recommended checking this out. It is very well done. So what's my rating? Well I can't find anything negative to say about the book so I am giving it a 5 star rating.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
Infamous Adversaries: Temerlyth the Undying by TPK Games
This product is 23 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)
Temerlyth the Undying (7 pages)
First is a full page piece of art of I suppose Temerlyth, though it doesn't say. Next we get a full stat block that is very complete it takes up over two full pages. Temerlyth is a Lich Alchemist 6, Loremaster 3, Wizard(Enchanter) 6, CR 16. Following that we get information about his Motives, Appearance, History, Personality, Resources, Lair, Tactics, Morale, Advancement Options, Quote, Plot Hooks, Lore and Companions. We next get full stat blocks for his companions which are below. It ends with a single new spell.
Anaya Loresse Loraethyan Female Ghost (Former Elf) Aristocrat 8, CR 4
Lorgan Forst Male Juju Zombie (Former Human) Ranger 2, CR 2
Aliza Loraethyan Female Wight (Former Young Elf) Sorcerer 2, CR 4
Arlyd Loraethyan Male Wight (Former Young Elf) Rogue 2, CR 4
It ends with a OGL and ads. (2 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and pretty good. Editing and layout was very good, I didn't notice any errors. The main villain is very well written and very cool. He has well done stat block as does his companions and family. This is the best of the NPC books by TPK so far and sets a new standard for them that I hope they can keep up. The book is heavily book marked and it should also be noted that the villains lair is completely laid out in another book a short adventure by TPK games. So what's my rating? Well I honestly have nothing at all negative to say about this product, other than commissioned art would have been nice but would have drove the price up. So I am giving this a 5 star review.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
Villains 3 by Raging Swan Publishing
This product is 23 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, and credits. (5 pages)
Villains (7 pages)
It starts off talking about how to read the stat blocks, then it jumps into each of the villains listed below. In addition to a full stat block each one also has a history, mannerism, RPing tips personality and plot hooks to get them involved more easily in a game. Each one has a piece of art with it, mostly head shots accept Aragan who gets a full page art. There is also a evil part list at the end. Listing them but groups with a CR for the group.
Darick Boden male human rogue 2/sorcerer(destined) 1 – CR 2
Aragan Doldal male dwarf fighter 2/barbarian 3 - CR4
Ebrel Vosper female human cleric 5 - CR4
Raine Karonen male human barbarian 5 - CR4
Sitae Amaithar female half‐elf cleric 3/fighter 2 - CR4
Thadrim Nytriluath male half‐elf wizard(illusionist) 5 - CR4
Valto Uronen male half‐orc monk 2/fighter(brawler) 3 - CR4
Voniat Iasan male half‐elf fighter 3/rogue 2 - CR4
Lungen Rasur male halfling ranger 3/rogue(poisoner) 4 - CR6
Rumaira Sheraee female elf druid 3/sorcerer(empyreal celestial) 4 - CR6
It ends with a OGL and contact info. (4 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and pretty good. Editing and layout was very good, I didn't notice any errors. The villains where well written and interesting with neat histories to them. Any of them could easily be used alone or as leaders of lesser NPC's or in small adventuring groups of their own to be rivals. I do have one minor critic, that is of the three female NPC's all of them are casters classes, with one partially split class. Would have just liked to seen some non casters as well. Still it is a well done book and worth the money. So what's my rating? I am going to give it a 4 star review. The NPC's are interesting and well done, but I wasn't blown away either.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
More Random Encounters Remastered by Purple Duck Games
This product is 34 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)
Introduction (7 pages)
It starts off talking about how to use the product and what makes a random encounter interesting and more than just combat. It is a well written start that helps one set up memorable random encounters that will be just as fun and interesting and the main adventures. With plenty of terrain write ups and other examples of things that can be added to random encounters. There is also a small table of random clues, items to help explain why there is a encounter later. I would have liked to have seen a much bigger table here. It is nice but a bit limit. Of course it is just a bonus.
Expanded Tables (21 pages)
Here is the random encounter tables they are set up for any level. How they manage this is you add to the number rolled based on the party level. The tables are below, each one also has a disposition and terrain features which was discussed in the previous chapter.
Frigid Peaks
Grandmarket Places
Haunted Ruins
The Road
Storm Wracked Coast
It ends with a OGL and contact info. (4 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and pretty good. Editing and layout was very good, I didn't notice any errors. The tables and advice was really well done. All of the tables where outstanding along with adding in terrain and the disposition tables just added a lot of value. I thought these encounter locations where as a whole better than the first book, but since this is a series it is a moot point. Since eventually I hope every possible location is covered. So what's my rating? I am going to give this one a 5 star rating. What is covered is covered well. I think these are outstanding random encounter tables.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
3.5 star review.
Way of the Yakuza by Rite Publishing
This product is 39 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, and credits. (3 pages)
Introducing the Yakuza (4 ½ pages)
This section talks about the Yakuza, how they live, a bit of history, their structure as a family. It is a nice look into the Yakuza and into what makes them they way they are.
Yakuza Characters (12 ½ pages)
We start with 9 traits for the Yakuza which where all pretty well done and interesting. Next we get into new class archetypes and PrC.
Moso – Bard Archetype, a blind performer that focuses on damaging undead and banishing outsiders. It is solid option for a archetype.
Yakuza Bushi – Fighter Archetype, few more skills, gives up weapon, armor training and bravery. Gains initiative bonus and some movement abilities. Neat idea but I was pretty meh about it.
Bakuto – Rogue Archetype, gives up trap abilities for bonuses while gambling, solid idea for a NPC, but I thought a bit bland for a PC.
Kyodai – Rogue Archetype, bonus to intimidation, and bonus in combat when fighting with others. Solid NPC idea but kinda meh for a PC.
Horimyo – Wizard Archetype, A tattoo wizard specialist. That works well with the 4WFG tattoo book. Can use the tattoo to get temp pets, turn others tats against them and lash out be giving up spell slots. By far the best archetype in the book. The idea is so cool, really I wish it had been it's own class instead.
PrC, Machi-Yakko – D8 hp, medium BaB, 8 skills, 2 good saves, small but good selection of weapons, light armor. Gains some social abilities, Sneak attack 3d, runs a gang, but the real shinny part is tattoo's that add bonuses to the class. All and all a interesting PrC for a rogue.
Next we come to the feats. There is 8 new feats, the two new tat craft feats are good, I also liked the Short Blade Warrior feat. The rest where pretty meh. Next we get a few new equipment items where are pretty cool. There is 4 new spells that deal with tattoo's all and all fairly interesting spells. Finally we get 8 new wondrous items that are tattoo's, all and all I really liked the tat's, one seemed a bit strong but the rest I enjoyed.
Creating a Yakuza Gang (8 pages)
It has some example gang names but most of this section is about how to create and run a Yakuza gang. This I think is the best section of the book. It has it all broken down to give them a gang set of stats similar to what cities and such have in Pathfinder already. It is really well done. I would love to see the author of this section put his efforts towards a rogue's guild to this effect as well.
Yakuza Mountain Village (8 pages)
This has a sample village with a sample Yakuza gang running into including stat blocks for the key NPC's. There is also a glossary for word meanings at the end.
It ends with a OGL, ads, and back cover. (3 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is color and so so. Editing and layout where pretty good but I noticed a few errors here and there including on one table. The biggest error is the ToC seems to be for a adventure and not for this book at all. I have no idea how that happened. I am really torn by this product, what I liked I really liked. But there was more than a bit I was pretty meh about or didn't care for. I thought the PrC was pretty good as was one of the archetypes, one archetype I thought was great but then the other three I was pretty meh about. The traits where pretty good. The feats and spells where a mixed bag again. The new tattoo magic items where good though as was the part about running a Yakuza family. So what's my rating? I am going to settle for a 3.5 star review. Some good, some bad, and a little great.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
Random Encounters Remastered by Purple Duck Games
This product is 35 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)
Introduction (10 pages)
It starts off talking about how to use the product and what makes a random encounter interesting and more than just combat. It is a well written start that helps one set up memorable random encounters that will be just as fun and interesting and the main adventures. With plenty of terrain write ups and other examples of things that can be added to random encounters.
Expanded Tables (19 pages)
Here is the random encounter tables they are set up for any level. How they manage this is you add to the number rolled based on the party level. The tables are below, each one also has a disposition and terrain features which was discussed in the previous chapter.
Eerie Woods
Jungle River
Planar Stronghold
Restless Volcano
Treacherous Mire
Underworld Battlefield
It ends with a OGL and contact info. (4 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and pretty good. Editing and layout was very good, I didn't notice any errors. The tables and advice was really well done. Some of the choices seemed a bit odd to me as a first product. Name things like Restless Volcano and stuff, I mean really how often will it come up in a game? But they mention at the end of the product there is a bunch more tables in the works so this is the first of likely a long series of products. So my only critic of the product is I found some of the choice to be covered for a first product odd. But all the tables where outstanding along with adding in terrain and the disposition tables just added a lot of value. So despite my misgiving on the locations covered I am going to give this one a 5 star rating. What is covered is covered well. I think these are the outstanding random encounter tables.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
So What's it Called, Anyway? by Raging Swan
This product is 15 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, and Intro. (5 pages)
Tables (7 pages)
It starts off explaining how to use the tables with in this product. Which includes recommendations on which tables to use for what types of business. In short you normally roll on two tables, using the two words to name the place. Going off the suggestions of which tables to use, gives you results that typical fit the suggest business well. The different tables are
Other – words that don't fit the other but do fit with a business name.
Each table has 100 possible words that can be rolled. There is also smaller tables with 1-20 sample names for Inns and Taverns, Organizations, Place Names, Ships, and Shops.
It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white samples of signs with names on them. The art is good. Editing and layout where also good. It is a handy sheet to have around that I have already used in my home games. Need a quick name for something? No problem. Now with that said I do have one critic for the product. I would have honestly really liked to have seen a couple of more random tables. As a example one for inns and taverns. You roll on it and it tells you which tables to use. It could have added a bit more variety and added a few times to roll on 3 tables. Don't get me wrong the product works really well for what it is, but I think having that extra table for each business type instead of the sample names would have been a lot more useful for the long term use of the product. So what's my rating? Well despite my one critic the product is very good at accomplishing what it sets out to do. So I am going to give it a 5 star rating. While I think it could have been even better, it gives you all the tools you need to be a great product.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
Monsters Unleashed 3 by Purple Duck Games
This product is 16 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, and ToC. (2 pages)
Monsters (8 pages)
We get 5 new monsters. Each one has a lore chart and half a page or more of information about them beyond the stat blocks and abilities. They are as follows.
Asherake – CR4 a large winged tiger humanoid.
Kahrn – CR7, sorta 4 armed dog like magical creatures that spawn new larva by engaging in combat. There is stats for the larva as well.
Jewel Golem, Sapphire – CR8 just what it sounds like, it also has construction costs and over a page of information about making jewel golems.
Ogrillion – CR1/3, a half bread between a orc and ogre. There is I believe a combat feat as well though it doesn't say it is a feat but it seems to be. There is also PC racial stats given and a example first level PC character.
Reaper Falcon – CR2, falcons with very sharp claws that can cause bleed dmg and more easily do crits. There is also rules for one of them as a animal companion.
It ends with a OGL and one page of printable pogs for the monsters. (6 page)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white, and it is ok. Editing and layout was pretty good though there was a couple of errors. Of the monsters the Asherake where pretty cool, the Kahrn was a neat new idea for how they make more of themselves. The Ogrillion is and always has been pretty cool. The Jewel Golem and Reaper Falcon where kinda meh. Not bad just not overly interesting either. So what's my rating? I am going to give this one a 3 star. While I liked several of the creatures I wasn't really blown away by any of them and two I felt where pretty meh.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.