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Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG] Pay What You Want
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Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
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Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Zachary H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2013 19:34:29

This is a small, but truly enjoyable resource for Pathfinder. There's a lot packed into the 40-odd pages of this product, with each of the blades distinct and ready-made for a legacy weaponry role. Players should actually love the fact these blades will develop with them. It's pretty clear Purple Duck has a very good grasp on what makes Pathfinder work, and that helps make this product an excellent addition for any campaign looking for a weaponry "boost" or suitable legendary blade for questing and the like.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Ryan S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/04/2012 11:11:03

I love this resource. Even if you don't use all the blades as written they will get the creative juices flowing. I really can't wait to start awarding a coupe to my group this fall. I think they'll really dig the backgrounds (which can be easily adapted to any setting).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Kenneth A. C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2012 13:48:41

Before reading my review, you should probably know that I've been collaborating with the great guys at Purple Duck Games on several projects and that I received a free copy of this product. However, I have nothing invested in this product and feel that I can speak freely. Well, I did help out in the proofreading phase and I did help inspire the jealousy variant rule (which I, obviously, really like!)

Legendary blades? Awesome! I seem to remember something similar for 3.5e (from WotC), but since I can't really remember anything else, I'll stop making any comparisons. Each of these weapons gets a thorough treatment, with a detailed history and a walkthrough of all the abilities. The authors also added the material for each of the magic weapon special abilities used for the legendary blades. There are a lot of legendary blades in this pdf and I really like most of them, but I would have to say that two of my favorites are the Lion of Iskander (which is a flaming blade that not only allows the wielder to keep a dire lion for a cohort, but also allows him to transform into a dire lion) and Sandman's Blade (which is tied to dreams and allows the wielder some control over time!) These weapons just come with awesome flavor and can spark many an adventure.

My only problem with this product is the layout. I am glad that the Purple Ducks changed this in later products. A two column layout would have saved us a lot of pages.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by John B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/12/2011 10:28:46

I love reading about specific magical weapons and stuff. The more fluff, the better and this book has plenty. For the cost, you can't beat it for the content given, fourteen magical weapons that are each unique yet cover a whole gamut of weapon types and there should be something in here that is just about usable by any character class. In addition, the four monsters given are just a good bonus, just wish there were images for the Wolf and Linnorm Serpent. Speaking of which, the images were fresh and original and very well developed and presented. My only suggestions to the publisher in general would be to include a nice graphic front page to give it more of a bookish feel in the PDF and to come up with more creative table formats. The tables get the job done but in today's graphic driven world alternating row colors and maybe some gradient headers would do wonders. I understand for printing purposes the tables are optimized for it, but I use most of my materials straight from my computer screen and have yet to print out pages from these wonderful PDF supplements.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Thilo G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/29/2010 19:20:56

This pdf is 42 pages long, 1 page front cover/editorial/ToC, 4 pages SRD and 1 page of thanks for the feedback. That leaves 36 pages of content for $3.00! That is an awesome bang-for-buck-ratio. Now let’s take a look at whether the content suffers from the low price.

The pdf kicks off with a one-page introduction on how legendary weapons work and adds a variant optional rule for weapon jealousy. Nice. The weapons follow a two-page format including b/w-artwork, requirements of the weapon, all the abilities and a table listing the weapon’s progression. The weapons are:

-Alieywishia, Orc Scourge: A bane curved scimitar-like weapon that helps slay and track Orcs. -Asterion’s Soul: A brutal sword inhabited by the sould of a minotaur. -Counter: A cool main-gauche for duelants. -Crusader’s Sword: A holy consecrated blade for clerics, paladins and Inquisitors to kill evil outsiders. -Diamond’s Edge: An incredibly sharp blade that is said to be connected to the mythic diamond dragons -Ebon Whispers: A lethal Assassin’s Throwing Dagger -Endless Winter: Ice-cold blade of a barbarian legend. -Gladiator’s Response: A showman’s blade to kill beasts etc. -Guardian: The sword of a heroic last defender. -Lion of Iskander: A holy sword for the leaders of men. -Mitra’s Blade: Undead-slaying sun-themed falchion -Moon’s Vengeance: Anti-Lycanthrope side-sword -The Red King’s Judgment: A fiery greatsword worthy of a villain (or an anti-hero) -Sandman’s Blade: Rapier with time-abilities for bards and arcane casters. -Sorrow: A creepy, tragic sword. One of my favorites. -Summoner’s Tool: A Summoner’s tool to make his Eidolons stronger.

After that, we get one page with two alignment templates and a new combat maneuver: Parry. We also get another two pages containing three new feats and three new spells.

Conclusion: Editing and formatting are top-notch, I didn’t notice any typos or the like. The writing and prose are concise and do a great job of making the blades interesting in spite of the limitations in space and the setting-neutral background. For the very low price, you get excellent blades and a HUGE amount of content. While the abilities could have been a bit more on the far-out side of things for me, I can’t help but like what Mark Gedak and Stefen Styrsky have done here. I love leveling weapons and this file provides them for an extremely fair price. I have high hopes for the sequel. (Which has just been released!) And a file for leveling armors. For now, I’ll rate this a very good 4.5 stars due to the fact that I would have loved to see some rather far-out abilities. (Like the Fiery Discorporation of “The Red King’s Judgment…)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Thilo G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/29/2010 19:20:56

This pdf is 42 pages long, 1 page front cover/editorial/ToC, 4 pages SRD and 1 page of thanks for the feedback. That leaves 36 pages of content for $3.00! That is an awesome bang-for-buck-ratio. Now let’s take a look at whether the content suffers from the low price.

The pdf kicks off with a one-page introduction on how legendary weapons work and adds a variant optional rule for weapon jealousy. Nice. The weapons follow a two-page format including b/w-artwork, requirements of the weapon, all the abilities and a table listing the weapon’s progression. The weapons are:

-Alieywishia, Orc Scourge: A bane curved scimitar-like weapon that helps slay and track Orcs. -Asterion’s Soul: A brutal sword inhabited by the sould of a minotaur. -Counter: A cool main-gauche for duelants. -Crusader’s Sword: A holy consecrated blade for clerics, paladins and Inquisitors to kill evil outsiders. -Diamond’s Edge: An incredibly sharp blade that is said to be connected to the mythic diamond dragons -Ebon Whispers: A lethal Assassin’s Throwing Dagger -Endless Winter: Ice-cold blade of a barbarian legend. -Gladiator’s Response: A showman’s blade to kill beasts etc. -Guardian: The sword of a heroic last defender. -Lion of Iskander: A holy sword for the leaders of men. -Mitra’s Blade: Undead-slaying sun-themed falchion -Moon’s Vengeance: Anti-Lycanthrope side-sword -The Red King’s Judgment: A fiery greatsword worthy of a villain (or an anti-hero) -Sandman’s Blade: Rapier with time-abilities for bards and arcane casters. -Sorrow: A creepy, tragic sword. One of my favorites. -Summoner’s Tool: A Summoner’s tool to make his Eidolons stronger.

After that, we get one page with two alignment templates and a new combat maneuver: Parry. We also get another two pages containing three new feats and three new spells.

Conclusion: Editing and formatting are top-notch, I didn’t notice any typos or the like. The writing and prose are concise and do a great job of making the blades interesting in spite of the limitations in space and the setting-neutral background. For the very low price, you get excellent blades and a HUGE amount of content. While the abilities could have been a bit more on the far-out side of things for me, I can’t help but like what Mark Gedak and Stefen Styrsky have done here. I love leveling weapons and this file provides them for an extremely fair price. I have high hopes for the sequel. (Which has just been released!) And a file for leveling armors. For now, I’ll rate this a very good 4.5 stars due to the fact that I would have loved to see some rather far-out abilities. (Like the Fiery Discorporation of “The Red King’s Judgment…)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Nathan C. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 09/29/2010 12:14:35

It is no secret in my gaming group that I am in love with weapons that level. There were a half dozen supplements in the old d20verse that infueled my campaigns by delivering weapons and items that, in themselves, were character enhancing feats and abililties.

As the Pathfinder era dawns on us, Purple Duck Games provides us a 42 page gem with Legendary Blades. When stacked against similar books of legendary weapons that gain abilities as they level, it slices its competition by offering detailed back stories for each item that increases its value in your campaign.

Legendary Blades rides on its strong writing. The abilities of each weapon are colored with flavor and enhancing mechanics. I thought of a few different campaigns I plan on running, and was able to create find an item that suited it. If you are not familiar with leveling weapons the process is quite simple, as the players level the item levels as well.

Outside of a bounty of items, Legendary Blades also presents some new templates and a parry combat maneuver which can be useful.

The PDF also features feats and spells, however, they fill like a needless add on to something that is already a lot for what you pay.

For the Player Players should gift this book to their Dungeon Master and hint at certain items they want to quest for. The Crusader’s Blade is perfect for a Paladin.

For the Dungeon Master In my Obsidian Twilight campaign, I immediately fell in love with the Mitra’s Blade. My favorite weapon though is the Sandman’s Blade which has some fun abilities and a nice story to boot.

The Iron Word Legendary Blades is such a unique supplement in that it offers items that you can not put a price tag on. They are campaign driving items that does a great job of inspiring new quests and adventures.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Dark M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2010 16:13:41

Legendary Blades by Purple Duck Games

This product is 42 pages long. Opening page is ToC followed by a introduction page. (2 pages)

Next it jumps into the legendary weapons. There is 16 weapons, all of them have 2 pages of information about them. Each has roughly half a page of history, a table and the rest taken up with the weapons special abilities. Each weapon has 10 “powers”, you can get the first one at any time. The next one can be acquired at 4th and every 2 levels afterwards. (32 pages)

All the swords(one is a dagger) are theme based. Weather it be winter themed, leading men, sun/undead slaying etc. The dagger is summoner themed for the new APG class.

Alieywishia, Orc Scourge Asterion’s Soul Counter Crusader’s Sword Diamond’s Edge Ebon Whispers Endless Winter Gladiator’s Response Guardian Lion of Iskander Mitra’s Blade Moon’s Vengeance The Red King’s Judgement Sandman’s Blade Sorrow Summoner’s Tool

Next it gets into a page of alignment templates for creatures and a new combat maneuver Parry. Next there is 3 new feats. Bull Rush Strike Greater Parry Improved Parry

Followed by some new spells. (3 pages for all this and above) Awaken Dead 1 Freezing Fog – Like Fog Cloud only does cold dmg and causes ice to form. (I like it) Magic Hat – creates a bag of holding like effect in a hat.

It closes with a page of feedback information and 4 pages of OGL.

Closing thoughts. For the price of 3 bucks for the sheer size of the product this is a good buy. The weapons are well done and most of them have good fluff history that could be fairly easy to adapt to any setting. My only critics is I would have liked for them to push the envelope with the weapons a bit more. Adding more unusual weapon abilities. That and the product while good could have used a little more polish. I expect nothing but good products for the price from this company if this book is any indication and I expect they will steadily get better. Of which I can not wait to see whats next. So for the price and content I am giving this a 5 star review. You won't be sorry about picking this up, if weapons that increase in power with your character interest you even in the slightest.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 09/05/2010 12:00:02

As the Introduction states, we've all read the stories about (usually young) heroes who somehow acquire a legendary weapon and rise to fame and often fortune. Attempts have often been made to mirror this within rule mechanics, but none quite capture the spirit of the way in which both weapon and wielder grow and develop over time, particularly when - as you'd expect in a game with more than one 'star character' - due care is taken to ensure that the weapon-bearer does not overshadow other player-characters, by applying restrictions to balance out his weapon. So here are variant rules that ensure both balance and suitable development, both expressed in general terms applicable to any weapon and then applied to a selection of specimen weapons that you may choose to use in your game or treat as examples when designing your own.

The system is rather elegant. The weapon starts off as an exquisitly-balanced, beautiful specimen of its type with a +1 bonus. There is a set of conditions - such as proficiencies, alignment or base attack bonus capability - that the new user must meet: once he does, at least one special quality is unlocked as he becomes attuned to the weapon. Other things may manifest later as he rises in level, staged so that the weapon too is rising in level. A suggestion is made that such weapons are quite jealous, and once you've unlocked their powers are inclined to take offence if you use any other weapon... so there's an optional rule that imposes a penalty on the use of anything else.

And so on to a fine selection of 16 specimen weapons, each with background to explain their powers (neatly made generic enough that it can be tweaked to suit your campaign world). Not only are they interesting weapons, most of them could spawn an adventure if not a whole campaign; or at least provide a recurrent theme based around some aspect of the weapon's backstory.

The book rounds off with some miscellaneous rules, feats and spells relating to the sample weapons... and a spell to create a magic hat!

Overall, this is a measured approach to legendary weapons with a workable core mechanic and some fine examples of fully-developed weapons - and all the information you need to devise your own, completed embedded into your campaign world's history.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legendary I: Legendary Blades [PFRPG]
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Alexander M. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 09/02/2010 10:03:07

This is a great purchase, worth far more than its minimal price. One of the major disconnects between Pathfinder and its epic and fictional source material is the way magical weapons get upgraded like cars. There has long been a need for weapons capable of growing with the user. The old "Weapons of Legacy" supplement first tried this, as did the Scions rules for 3.5, but both failed for demanding that the weapon wielders take prestige classes or give away hit points or skill points in order for the blade to improve. Legendary Blades offers a better path, and is chock-full of awesome weaponry to boot.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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