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On the Open Sea
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On the Open Sea
Publisher: Sonic Legends
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/18/2012 11:29:55

I like this piece a lot … but it doesn’t fit its ostensible purpose very well. There’s really too much of a definite beginning and ending, too much emotional variety, too much of a storyline within the piece, for it to score RPG scenes well. During RPG play, you can’t predict when the waves will swell, when the crew drunk will come on board, when an enemy boarding party with threaten. For gaming background music, this piece might not be repetitive enough. I have used it in actual gaming situations, however, and it didn’t seem too disruptive. On the other hand, it’s a great listen by itself, like a whole pirate movie in just 8.5 minutes.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
On the Open Sea
Publisher: Sonic Legends
by Keith (. T. A. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/07/2012 22:33:52

On August 29, 2010, the Savage Troll was fortunate enough to receive On the Open Sea, and several other Sonic Legends soundscapes. The crew at the Savage Troll Blog was so impressed that a blog entry was immediately made: I was remiss in not entering my first impressions here for RPG Now. I loved it. I immediately put it on my phone and played it several times, letting it loop and it got me in the piraty mood. As I said in the blog: " The little riff four and a half minutes in using the tuba and squeeze-box created the image of a staggering pirate trying to navigate the rolling deck of a ship with humor. If you use ambient music to set the tone, this one is a great pirate adventure score. I will enjoy playing it while driving thru Southern California traffic. Now I just need a cannon. I can think of so many B pirate movies that could have been almost pushed into an A with this soundtrack."

In short: Great soundtrack for a pirate setting. With the re-release of 50 Fathoms, I can't think of a better way to set the ambient piraty mood!.

Keep Savage!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
On the Open Sea
Publisher: Sonic Legends
by Robert L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/16/2011 18:16:29

This 8:25 track is a fantastic for any nautical campaign. It captures the the theme well and starts off with great enthusiasm, much like the thrill of setting out for a journey. As the track goes on the boredom of sea life becomes apparent and the music reflects this well without becoming boring itself. Later still a sense of foreboding and danger subtly creep into the music until the finale of coming back into port and the excitement that follows. A great track for background music that loops seamlessly.

One great use that I have found for this track is using it to represent time between long journeys via ships as it gives the players a sense of both the excitement and boredom of the long journey without getting bogged down in tedious random encounters.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
On the Open Sea
Publisher: Sonic Legends
by NB N. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/31/2010 20:47:32

This is a particularly good Soundscape if I do say so myself. It begins with a powerful intro that really inspires a regale vessel beginning its voyage or a camera zoom into a large galleon. The sound effects are of subtle water and gulls. Add in some squeeze box, ropes being run, and creaking wood and you've got yourself some fun on the high seas. I really like this track. It makes me really want to play a pirate session for my PCs. Buy this track if you want to add some atmosphere to your game set on the water.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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