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Future Armada: Midnight Rose
Publisher: 0-hr
by robert f. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/06/2014 11:07:11

This product does exactly what it sets out to do.

The floorplans are clearly rendered, with slight overlap, to aid in taping together. Care has been taken to provide for essential facilities, such as toilets, and there are spare bunks for passengers or extra crew.

The ship is just over 100 feet long, has seats for 2 crew in the cockpit, with extra stations elsewhere (engineer?, gunner?).

Two sheets of cargo containers and crates is included, which can be placed where required. Note to other publishers - this is much more useful, than having these fixed on the map.

A 19-page article describes the ship in general terms, and provides D20 Modern/Future stats. Though I have not used the ship in a D20 game, the stats appear to cover the essentials.

I would happily check out other products from this publisher, if I were running a future RPG or skirmish game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Future Armada: Midnight Rose
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War of the Dead: The Paper Dead
Publisher: Daring Entertainment
by robert f. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2013 01:43:36

A huge variety of figures, covering subjects often left out of other similar sets. The zombies and survivors here show evidence of their former lives, in their dress and equipment. Several age categories, for zombies and survivors. Pets, wild animals, horses. Bikes, motorbikes, cars, an RV. Also includes larger vehicle reference images, with the seating plans laid out; very useful for having at the side of the game table, to remind yourself "Who was sat in that seat?". These should save a lot of in-game debates of "Wasn't me!".

Tons of re-useability for any modern horror game. The pdf also has a layer facility, to allow you to print out smaller numbers of specific figures, for when you don't want the full sheet.

Even if you're not currently running a zombie game, this product will make you WANT to run one.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
War of the Dead: The Paper Dead
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