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Desert Village
Publisher: papermodels
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/09/2011 20:34:14

This is the first product of its type that I've ever used and I had no trouble with it at all. It was rather simple to assemble and the instructions were great for this first timer.

I found the structure to be rather sturdy and rugged once it was all put together (printed on common cardstock on the home printer) and once affixed to the base it was impressively stable even without being glued to foamboard or cardboard.

The well and fruit stands look good and it all fits in well with a 1" base and 28mm miniatures.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Desert Village
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Savage Insider Issue #1: Building the Savage Worlds Community
Publisher: Mystical Throne Entertainment
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/06/2011 17:55:39

Was I excited to see a Savage Worlds newsletter? Heck, yes I was! But, this is the first issue and a lot of space is devoted to a "get to know you" Q&A with some of the licensees and developers for Savage Worlds products. I understand the need for advertisements to keep costs under control so that this could be freely distributed, but it felt like they dominated. This felt a little padded to me.

That said, being the first issue the introduction phase was to be expected. An issue to set up the ground rules and get us ready for what to expect in future issues.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Insider Issue #1: Building the Savage Worlds Community
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Tehran: Nest of Spies
Publisher: Atomic Overmind Press
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/01/2011 21:43:58

Tehran: Nest of Spies is chock full of characters, events and other details to make a MacGuffin-chase in the turbulent Tehran of the late 40's a harrowing experience for your characters.

Friend and foe NPC Wild Cards are fully fleshed out and given plenty of back-up in the form of appropriate extras (Tehrani thugs for the Gorbecki gang, soldiers and man-apes for the Soviets). Real characters like the pre-Ayatollah Khomeini mix it up with fictional characters like The Scarlet Adventuress Kara Vania, which is an element of the setting I've enjoyed from the main Day After Ragnarok book.

Another great element of this setting and its supplements is the Savage Shortlists which either add to the flavor with "Top Five Tehran Touches" which gives you some of the feeling of Tehran's personality and culture and the "Top Five Tehran Sights" which gives you some real-world places for your characters to visit.

Easy-to-use encounter tables are included to add some spice to you time in the city. An Allegiance Table creates an interesting twist as it allows you to randomize a character's overt allegiance as well as the one he/she keeps to him/herself. Then, there's always the chance that those "allies" you thought you had might betray you. This supplement provides you with the means to keep that mystery even from yourself.

The provided adventure is a search for something called the "Peacock Key". Suggestions as to how the PCs hear of this and what the key actually is are suggested but the truth is left up to you. All that's important is that everyone wants it.

Some Persian-inspired creatures are included in this supplement and the Ganj, a "jewel serpent" fits in perfectly with the snake-filled themes of the setting.

Although this is a supplement to The Day After Ragnarok, Tehran: Nest of Spies could be used for just about any mid-20th Century romp in the Middle East with minor tweaking.

This is more than just a one-shot adventure. There are too many intricacies and players involved in the provided adventure that it would take a few sessions to really flesh out and pace well, but it is a very well put together and researched product.

Recommended for post-apocalyptic, Persian, "sub-machine guns and sorcery," and Dieselpunk enthusiasts.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tehran: Nest of Spies
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War of the Dead: The Paper Dead
Publisher: Daring Entertainment
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/30/2011 20:30:14

This set has a great selection of survivors, zombies, and soldiers, any of which would make great opponents, extras, mooks, or whatever NPC you might need for a modern zombie game. Best of all, I didn't notice any real repeats.

There are a lot of extras beyond the usual paper miniatures included in this set. There are bases for alternate 2d usage and a papercraft RV/camper. The inclusion of doors I found an interesting touch which would be good to use with dry erase type maps.

For those of you using it for Savage Worlds zombie settings (such as the War of the Dead itself) there are zombies in standard sized burst templates (good for getting the point across that there might just be too many zombies for the PCs to live through) and markers for Shaken, Wounded, and "on fire" status.

All told, this is a great set filled with a great selection of minis and the artwork is better than a lot of the other paper mini sets I've seen.

Highly recommended for your zombie needs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
War of the Dead: The Paper Dead
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Fiasco Classic
Publisher: Bully Pulpit Games
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/30/2011 16:00:41

Fiasco is one of those games without a lot of overhead management. Each Playset is designed to be played for just a single session rather than a whole campaign, but there us an unlimited amount of replay value in each of them. The best part about the Playsets is that there are a lot of them to be had and they're (at the time of this writing, though I don't expect this to change) free.

Fiasco is a great game to get non-gamers into playing. All you really have to do is get them over the hurdle that dice are used (though I'm sure you could devise a way to go without them) and appeal to the part of their psyche that likes to see bad things happen comedically happen to characters.

Mechanically the game is set up randomly by rolling a pool of dice and using them to set up Relationships, Needs, Items, and Locations. You'll need an even number of d6's in two colors because that will come into play when you or the other players determine whether or not a scene will go well or poorly for you and just because you might be doing well overall your ending might not be so rosy. As long as you embrace the comic side of tragedy then you'll enjoy this game.

In a word, Fiasco is fun. It's not about heroics or high adventure, it really is about deeply flawed characters getting themselves into trouble for your entertainment.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fiasco Classic
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Game Terrain
Publisher: Gray Publishing
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/04/2010 21:39:09

Most of the images are of the same type as shown in the sample and as described. Yes, they are aerial photos of real-world terrain, but at such an altitude and angle as to be limited in usability. They would, however, make a good background for paper mini trays.

The grassland tiles of one type could be more easily utilized, but some of the pages are of multiple images of differing resolutions.

All in all, even for free, most of these pages are within a very narrow scope of usability.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Game Terrain
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