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As an owner and user of nearly all the GameMaster’s Apprentice decks, I wanted to express how incredibly effective these cards are for not only generating story seeds and NPCs, but also for playing solo or with a small group without a GM. Over this past weekend, I used the sci-fi deck in combination with the (currently still beta) rules for ALONe to play Numenera co-op for myself and my girlfriend. The deck acted as the GM and not only kept the suspense and interest continuous and free-flowing, but brought the story to a satisfying conclusion as well (exactly as if we played using a traditional module with a human gamemaster). It does take some creativity when using the cards when trying to interpret the results but the more you use them, the more intuitive they become.
I’ve used the cards before on many occasions and it always amazes me how well the cards handle the story and keep things moving smoothly. My girlfriend, who only occasionally plays RPGs, was pleasantly surprised by how well they worked, and enjoyed it so much that she wants to continue the story where we left off. So this weekend we will continue with our characters and we are both looking forward to the twists and turns the deck has in store for us!
If you haven’t tried them yet, I give them my highest recommendation. Each deck comes with an “adventure guide” for each genre that help support your use of the cards. Also recommended are the ALONe rules (mentioned earlier), that will assist with guiding your story along. A+++
I've been using this for the last few months in order to generate random events to insert into my campaign, and it works wonderfully! I'm hoping the author continues to publish these for different genres. Great job!
I agree completely with the other reviews posted here…a simple yet elegant system. Instead of attributes such as strength, intelligence and wisdom, you have warrior, rouge and mage. All characters and creatures are rated using these three attributes, and all skill/action rolls are linked to them.
Also, the layout and illustrations are pleasing to the eye and very well done. I hope Stargazer Games continues to expand the line in the future, amazing job for a free game!
For the price, a very detailed but easy to understand superhero rpg. It even includes rules for gadgets and omni-powers, plus adventure hooks to get you up and running. Definitely worth the money spent!
PIG has done a great job creating an easy to learn, multi-genre rules system (genreDiversion i) that actually works really well in play, and the Space Opera Sci-Fi setting of HardNova II is no exception. The rules are easy enough to learn that I was able to teach my 13 year old nephew the basics in less than 10 minutes.
Throw in an immersive background with some really cool alien races (in particular, the ruthless Ruthdii Komar really stand out as unique and interesting) pre-generated characters and spacecraft, and a handful of scenarios to get you started and you have everything you need to get up and running quickly and easily.
Also, the file size of the PDF is quite low for the amount of information that’s packed into it. So not only is it easy to use, it won’t take up very much space at all on your hard drive. Very well done!
If you haven’t experienced the benefits of this series yet, Tabletop Adventures continues to produce some of the most amazing and useful supplements if you’re a GM short on time and creativity (and who isn’t?). If you’re not familiar with this series, their “Harried Game Master” products are designed so that you can “buy today and play tonight.”
And their tag line really meets and in many instances, far exceeds expectations. The detailed encounters are vivid and evocative; they really do create the illusion of a living, breathing city. A nice side effect with a great majority of the encounters is the element of mystery and curiosity that is induced in the players. As an example, here is one such description:
“On the other side of the street from you walks a young woman who catches your attention for some reason…she is carrying a bottle in front of her carefully, as if frightened to spill even a drop…the young woman stops at a door and knocks hesitantly …an angry man who looks a lot like her, only older, stares at her with loathing…head bowed, she follows him into the building.”
There’s more to the description, so if you want to read it in full you’ll have to purchase the pdf, but the point is using descriptions such as these, it’s easy to create adventure hooks and seeds which can become further developed. An Index is also provided, so if an encounter is needed to fit a particular situation, you can easily find one amongst the many listed quickly and easily.
To sum up, this series is nothing short of amazing. My one and only complaint is the included stats are for D20 system, which I do not use. I would have preferred more generic stats, but this is a very minor gripe as they are infrequent, easily converted with minor effort, and in no way diminishes the usefulness and flexibility of this product. It is easily inserted into any fantasy system you are playing in.
The same can be said regarding the other supplements in this series, as I’ve also purchased Caverns, Dungeons I & II, and the Mother of all Treasure Tables. The latter is completely devoid of game stats, but presents an amazing amount of texture and detail to treasure. It’s obvious that the folks at TA have put a lot of effort into their products; very well done and definitely worth the purchase price
Just like 100 Fantasy Seeds, this product gives you a one page description per seed with a variety of twists for each. And with a little creativity of your own thrown in, each seed can be expanded upon and developed into a full night’s adventure. In addition, every page also contains an epilogue, which gives you a possible conclusion if you choose to use it. Nicely done.
I love these types of products, and this collection is nothing short of amazing! Each seed is described in full detail on one page, with three twists that can be applied to each seed, and an epilogue.
In addition, ideas are sprinkled in with each seed providing notes and adventure hints to add even more variety, giving you a very useful product indeed. The first ten seeds alone gave me numerous adventure ideas, and are simply great fun to read.
James has provided a remarkably detailed and very creative supplement that can easily be inserted into an ongoing campaign with a little tweaking.
Being a long time comic book collector and fan of superhero games in general, I’ve probably bought every super rpg going back to the classic Marvel Superheroes and Villains and Vigilantes. So I sure have my heavy list of favorites, and the Hearts and Souls rpg ranks right up at the top with its unique innovations and mechanics.
It may seem a little unorthodox at first, but it really does work in play. Rules such as monologues and stress triggers/events are great for re-creating the feel and flow of an actual comic book in a simple and quick fashion without relying on fixed stats like hit points, fatigue points, time and distance measurements, etc. The basic structure allows you to attempt any action, but does not impede the flow of the game. Also, you can create just about any character you can imagine.
I really prefer these types of games over numbers-heavy, where there’s a rule for every type of action a character tries. While it is quite freeform and rules-lite, and does require a good deal of input from the GM and players, it’s also a heck of a lot of fun.
If you like number crunching (and some players do, nothing wrong with that) then you probably won’t like this game. But as a GM with time constraints, I’m always looking for supplements and game systems that make my life easier while stressing actual role playing. I really feel that H&S delivers both.
In the old DC Heroes game, one of the core concepts was developing sub-plots, which are the actual day-to-day problems that heroes face in their lives outside of their superhero personas. In the sessions using H&S that I’ve run, I will allow players an “anti” stress point (or hero point as my group calls it) for creating interesting sub plots that we can role play and develop as the characters progress.
This way they can negate one point of stress they accumulate later on in the game, in addition to using monologues. The game system presented here is perfect for this. It has really helped make our sessions fun and interesting.
I truly hope that Tim continues to develop and expand upon H&S. I would love to see more; definitely worth a look and the price is very reasonable
As with the Fantasy compilation, another great set of adventure seeds. Really fun to read and I’ve already expanded on a few to use at a future gaming session. Definitely worth the price!
This product absolutely delivers on its promise, and contains some really useful adventures seeds to kickstart creativity, especially on those nights when it’s simply not flowing. A really nice variety and each seed contains enough info that it can be expanded upon. Great job!
Not a bad program, very useful for making your own charts but as the description points out you may have to tweak the percentages some in a word processor to fit your needs. Also, the company is very quick to respond to technical concerns regarding their products, which was a really nice surprise. It sure makes me feel comfortable ordering more from them in the future.
Overall: good product, great customer service.
I purchased this expecting some really well drawn templates. The cover art looked pretty good, even though I couldn’t preview a larger copy. However, I was sadly disappointed with this product.
The art is horribly amateurish at best. If you’re going to put out a book of templates and charge for it, the artwork should be of a professional quality. These templates looked like they were made by someone just starting to learn how to draw. It actually looks like something my 13 year old nephew would make.
I actually deleted my pdf after I downloaded it. It didn't cost much so I'll live with it. I think the publishers tried their best, but fell way short of the target. Avoid this product.
I was a little hesitant to order this product at first, having ordered a few template products and walking away a little disappointed. However, I’m glad I went ahead and did so.
The publisher did indeed add more color options as they stated in a prior review. And when I did have questions, they responded back in a very timely fashion.
One of the really nice features of this product is that the artwork is vector based, so you can enlarge the images and cut/paste them onto a character sheet (with a nice, sharp, non-grainy image), as well as print a miniature that can be used on a tabletop. So it really serves a dual purpose, at least for me.
A nice variety of poses and the artwork is also very well done. It’s true that you can’t create any hero you can imagine, but overall there is still plenty of variety. Hopefully, the publishers will explore even more improvements and character options. If they do, this could be a 5-star product.
I’ll start off by saying that the really great reviews written here were the primary reason I purchased this product in the first place. Thank you to everyone who contributed, and for what it’s worth I’d like to throw my own two cents into the ring.
Like most of the reviewer’s here, I was not disappointed with my purchase of Mythic (GM Emulator) and most recently, Mythic Variations. I’ve already used it to run myself through solo scenarios using Mutants and Masterminds, AD&D 2nd edition, and the Hearts and Souls superhero rpg.
Even better, it has allowed me to easily run and even participate (!) with my gaming group in our current M&M campaign. Much to our surprise and delight, it really has created some great gaming sessions with an absolute minimum of prep time. Were even planning on using Mayfair’s long out of print D.C. Hero’s game with Mythic for a one nighter.
Tom has done a really, really great job with this product. Being the only GM of our group, it sometimes becomes disappointing that I cannot relax and just participate as a player. The time investment to make a scenario memorable does become exhausting at times.
Mythic has changed all that for me. Now, I can participate too and enjoy the results and surprises that occur along with everyone else. I’m really looking forward to what Tom and Word Mill Press produce in the future. Mythic is definitely worth the price!