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The Horror of Leatherbury House $0.00
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The Horror of Leatherbury House
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The Horror of Leatherbury House
Publisher: Stargazer Games
by Jeffrey V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/01/2010 15:58:46

This is a surprisingly good "one-page" adventure with a complete haunted house, a back-story and enough detail to allow a GM to quickly run a one-night stand, or create a more complex scenario on the "bones" (if you'll pardon the expression) of this one. It's perfect if you are running a brand new group of players with inexperienced characters for the first time -- especially for something like "Chill" or "Call of Cthulhu." Just enough excitement for the players to get involved, but not so crushingly difficult that they'll all go insane or get killed. Spending a little time adding some investigatory clues to the back story (in the local library or newspaper morgue) would allow it to really sing. And, of course, the price is right since right now it's free! The last free on I pulled down from this site needed a LOT of work to be playable (though it had EXCELLENT graphics), but this one is just about ready to go, right out of the "box." I'm very happy I downloaded this one.

Of course, being a one-pager, it clearly DOES require some time and effort from the GM to flesh out and bring alive, but it's pithy and succinct enough to make it worth a little effort. DriveThru did their usual excellent job of producing this one, and it's easy to read and view. I give this one a very solid "4," and, as noted above, the price is definitely in my "affordability" range!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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