For a small village, Heavenring boasts a remarkably substantial gaol, with five cells fitted out to accommodate a total of eleven convicts. The building also houses space for a tribunal to sit and a residence for the chief law enforcement officer, who for Heavenring is the county sheriff, a dwarf called Mardags.
Built in an L shape, Mardags' residence consists of two rooms: a living area with basic cooking facilities (an open fire with a cauldron), a dining table and some more comfortable seating and a large bedroom which incorporates an en-suite bathroom (far better facilites, as one would imagine, than the convicts receive!).
The space allocated for trials has a couple of rows of seats for spectators, tables for prosecuting and defending lawyers and for a clerk, and an imposing chair for the presiding judge. It does not appear that trial by jury is practised here. A caged-off corner leads back to the gaol wing, presumably the accused stands there during the hearing.
There are a couple of offices, probably for law enforcement officers' use, and a room for the turnkeys with a couple of beds. Then on to the cell block proper. Here a row of spartan cells have a barred door to a corridor on one side and a barred opening out onto a yard ominously labelled 'Hard Labour Area'. What convicts are required to do is unclear, probably breaking rocks into smaller rocks or similar mindless and exhausting tasks. The convicts' sanitary needs are met by a row of latrine huts and some 'washing pools' - no indoor bathrooms for them!
As usual 0one Games display considerable technical mastery of PDF functions, using layers to allow you to pick the grid you want (square, hex or none), and whether you want furniture or doors to appear. As you can print tiles separately, you can change the settings for each one - so if you do not want your prisoners to have even basic comforts, you can remove what little furniture there is in the cells! Do not turn the doors off for the cell block, though...
Knowing the average adventurer's attitude towards the law, you might have need of a town gaol, so this is a useful set of tiles to have tucked away, whether or not you are using Heavenring Village as a whole. After all you can put it anywhere, as needed.