Whatever their players may feel about it in real life, adventurers always seem to enjoy going shopping! Heavenring seems to boast what is almost a mini-market with plenty of produce and household goods on sale, and the storekeeper's house is also included in this tile-set. If you are using Heavenring 'as is' the storekeeper is a halfling by the name of Vimbas, who is rumoured to be a wizard on the side.
The shop itself consists of two rooms, one being used for sales and one for storage. The sales area has a vast display of everything from fruit and vegetables to frying pans, basic tools, clothing and even teddy bears, the store is full of barrels, cart wheels and cupboards. Anyone setting up house or looking for basic supplies ought to be able to find what they are after here.
The house is also quite substantial. It has a large porch for those warm summer evenings, a living area and kitchen, two bedrooms each with their own facilities and an office for the storekeeper to do his bookkeeping (or study spells if the rumours are to be believed). One bedroom is a double, clearly the master bedroom, and the other a single - probably for the storekeeper's child.
The usual features of the 0one Games 'Rule the Dungeon' are present, letting you customise the plans to some extent - changing the grid (square, hex or none), displaying furniture and doors and the like. Everything is clearly drawn, although you can waste too much time trying to identify items in the shop (remind yourself it isn't supposed to be an exact representation). It's a nice addition to the collection, but the real use of plans at this scale is to have a fight and who fights at the market? So, perhaps of limited use...