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Jabbro Jones Miniatures: Fantasy Monsters: Arabian Knights $3.95 $3.00
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Jabbro Jones Miniatures: Fantasy Monsters: Arabian Knights
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Jabbro Jones Miniatures: Fantasy Monsters: Arabian Knights
Publisher: Jabbro Jones Miniatures
by Aaron T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/31/2015 21:14:42

This set contains a good mixture of character and creature miniatures for a "fantasy arabian" setting. While it is not totally complete (none of the people wear armor, for example), the mix of character and monster types is hard to argue with. I purchased the set to provide counters for an adventure set in the Emirates of Ylaruam, part of the D&D Mystara world, and they performed admirably. This set even includes bases, which is always something I like to see included in papercraft miniature sets, but often is not present. Thus, this can be called the complete package.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Jabbro Jones Miniatures: Fantasy Monsters: Arabian Knights
Publisher: Jabbro Jones Miniatures
by David W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/20/2012 15:41:24

Well, it would seem I am a little late to the party, but this set is very nice. Jabbro Jones features some of the best artwork in the business.

Some of the larger models look a little cartoon-ish, but the figures and smaller elements have a very realistic feel to them.

Beautiful colors and brilliant artwork bring this set to life.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Jabbro Jones Miniatures: Fantasy Monsters: Arabian Knights
Publisher: Jabbro Jones Miniatures
by Richard J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2010 18:44:47

This product has been my favorite set of standies ever! When you take the time to cut out the interior part (between the arm weapon and the body, etc.), once done, this standies take on a three-dimesional feel that makes them more striking than most all my D&D minis. Truely an execellent art job. I originally bought them to cover the lack of Al-Qadim type figures and would love to see standard orcs, etc. to help build out mini armies. With the coloring, shading, and body poses, these are the best standies I've seen and way worth the price!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Jabbro Jones Miniatures: Fantasy Monsters: Arabian Knights
Publisher: Jabbro Jones Miniatures
by Joe K. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/01/2010 12:06:34

Currently on sale for $3.00 instead of $3.99, Arabian Knights is three pages of counters with a page of desert themed bases for cutting out. The figures are brightly colored, more comic style than realistic. The figures are easy to read and view on a table top. The figures are double sided and have to be cout and glued. The better you are with a sharp blade the less paper you'd have. Me? I'm lazy and go with the paper cutter and have them look with a boxed white effect.

There are several all purpose figures including the Evil Vizier and Bandit, as well as the Mameluke and Merchant. My wish for this product, would be to have a seperate page of Knife Fighters or Bandits for ease of printing, but that's a personal preference.

The monsters included favorites of the themes like efreets and djinn along with giant cobras, giant scorpions, and the dreaded man-scorpion among others. The bases are designed to be cut out and folded. The miniatures, after being cut out and folded, are then glued into the bases.

One of the interesting twist to this file though, is that you can print black and white figures and to save on ink, you can shut the instructions off the layer. This is a nice feature and allows the buyer some level of customization.

If you're looking for an inexpensive way to add some giant desert beasties to your game, Arabian Knights has you covered.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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