Ok, most of you will wonder "What is the Initial Guidelines Booklet K?" Booklet K contains a Non Player Character Morale Table, Non Player Character Cutups, a Negotiation Table, Hirelings, Civilization and Technological Levels, Population, Baronies, Income, the Malevolent Character Module describing Count Kalderic, and most importantly, a key to the hexes of Campaign Map 1, the hex key to the Idyllic Isles on page K-4, Huberic of Haghill starting on page K-5, the map of Haghill split over two pages, and the key to the hexes of Campaign Map 1 starting on K-8. Now Campaign Map 1 contains the location of the City State of the Invincible Overlord, so this booklet provides very important campaign hex details, locations of citidels and lairs i.e. what monsters are found in hexes, trade guide and examples of geas (see page K-11), and limited wishes (see page K-12). Haghill is not far from the City State and is a site for a dungeon underneath the keep which is currently sealed by Huberic. There is enough detail in this booklet just on Haghill alone to allow a Dungeon Master to get started with that but to really enjoy this booklet and get the full value of it you should also have Campaign Map 1. Back in the day the initial guidelines were how we got started because there is enough information in the Judges Guild Guidelines to spark the imagination. In short, the content is very good, this booklet is decently scanned, the map is nice, and the information is well worth having in any campaign. As a model of how to do it right the JG works excel at giving Dungeon Master's the right amount of information, enough to get started and not so much that you can't personalize the campaign material to suit your tastes. So, I give this a big thumbs up.